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Answer 1

Many Jews are Germans.

Answer 2

There are mixed feelings in the Jewish community as to whether Germany should be continually hated for the perpetration of the Holocaust. Some say that the German people's collective guilt for the event shows their remorse and that they should be forgiven. Some say that only the generation that lived through World War II is guilty of ever-lasting shame and revulsion and that their children cannot carry their parents' guilt. Some say that Germany can never be forgiven.

It is important to note that Answer 1 is correct in so far as many Jews and many Germans identify German Jews as both German and Jewish, but the question seems to be asking about Jews who no longer live in Germany or no longer associate themselves with German citizenship duties/rights/responsibilities.

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9y ago

There are mixed feelings in the Jewish community as to whether Germany should be continually hated for the perpetration of the Holocaust. Some say that the German people's collective guilt for the event shows their remorse and that they should be forgiven. Some say that only the generation that lived through World War II is guilty of ever-lasting shame and revulsion and that their children cannot carry their parents' guilt. Some say that Germany can never be forgiven.

It is important to note that Answer 1 is correct in so far as many Jews and many Germans identify German Jews as both German and Jewish, but the question seems to be asking about Jews who no longer live in Germany or no longer associate themselves with German citizenship duties/rights/responsibilities.

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