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Some have two, Some have four, some goddess have even eight.

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Q: Do all Hindu gods have four arms?
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Do Hindu gods all live in the same house?

Hindu gods all live everywhere, so the answer is a confusing yes and no.

Who is considered most important of all Hindu gods?

The most important of the Hindu gods is Lord Vishnu.

Does all the Hindu gods have more than 2 arms?

Hindu God like Visnu is called 'catur-bahu'. 'Bahu' etymologically means the fore-arm, the arm between the elbow and the wrist, the arm as a measure of length; it is also extrapolated to the space between the arms.The number of Bahu is also a tacit communication of the strength of that god. Based on our research we find a common thread of symbolism used in depicting the gods with varying number of arms. While most of the gods have four arms, some gods and goddesses have ten (Devi Durga), or even infinite arms as in the form Visswarupa (cosmic form of Visnu). The probable massage - is to tell that the existence of the god in a particular dimensional space. To quantify the 'n' in n-D space. Here Visnu is said to be existent in four dimensional space-time.Hindu gods with many pairs of arms:Vishnu with four arms:Vishnu is the only Hindu god who would consistently have four arms.Vishnu is symbolic of the status quo maintaining Semi voluntary force. Since it is made of two forces viz. Voluntary force and Involuntary force, it enables us to do two things at a time. Even when we are doing just one thing we can use one force for execution and the other for control. Therefore, Vishnu, who symbolizes this forces, is represented with two pairs of arms.Incarnations of Vishnu after Narasimhavatara, where status quo function is not necessary, have a single pair of arms only.Other Hindu gods with four arms:Ganesha is a popular Hindu god who is always represented with four arms.Since two pairs of arms indicate the ability to execute and the simultaneous ability to control what is executed, two pairs of arms were added to practically all gods and goddesses. It is for this reason that, with time, many of the Hindu gods became less popular.The other god who is invariably presented with four arms is Brahma. However, Brahma is a rarely worshiped god.Goddesses with more than four arms:The Shakti goddesses may have up to ten pairs of arms. However, these are goddesses of illusion, that enable us to create an illusion that we are greater than we look. Thus, these goddesses would be holding weapons of all other gods.Krishna and Vishvarupa:Krishna usually would have a single pair of arms. However, in Vishvarupa he may have countless pairs of arms. In this form Krishna is considered as the supreme Hindu god and thus he would have features of all Hindu gods, including the Shakti gods, who themselves have up to ten pairs of arms.The number of arms indicate the options we would have.Other factors remaining constant,1. Gods with single pair of arms make us progress faster2. Gods with many pairs of arms make our life safer, but retard progress3. Gods with two pairs of arms are the optimum gods

What are the main Hindu gods called?

The three main hindu gods are called, Brahma Vishnu & Mahesha. All the rest gods are either their sons or different forms.

Who are the most important Hindu gods?

i say lord shiva cause he is somehow connected to all the gods

Who are the Gods of the Hindus?

There are 200 million Hindu Gods, although they are all aspects of the chief god Brahma

How would a Hindu react if you were to suggest that they believed in lots of gods?

The Hindu would just say that all the Hindu gods are the subordinates of the supreme Hindu god Brahman and therefore, irrespective of which of the infinite Hindu god he is worshiping, he would always be worshiping some part of Brahman.

Who is Devas?

The Devas are Hindu gods like Varun or varuna, Indra, or Surya. The Devas are not all of the Hindu gods but alot of them. They are most of the gods that are of something like god of sun- Surya, or god of water- Varuna.

What are the gods that the Hindu people believe in?

Some believe in certain gods, some believe in other gods, some believe in no gods, some believe in all the gods.

What accurately describes the various gods that Hindus worship?

The Hindu gods are all aspects of the god Brahma. They represent the main principles of Hindu religious beliefs, such as creation and prosperity.

What gods do the Hindu 's people believe in?

Some believe in certain gods, some believe in other gods, some believe in all the gods, some believe in no gods.

What is the term used to define the one who doesnot believe gods of Hindu religion?

There is probably no specific term for those who disbelieve only in Hindu gods, but who knows, somebody somewhere might use such a word. The term for someone who does not believe in any god -- and so disbelieves in Hindu gods along with all other gods -- is "atheist".