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do all living organisms need your body system to survive

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Q: Do all living organisms need a body system to survive why or why not?
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What defense protects the body against the products of living organisms?

The immune system

What is a body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive?

the death of all members of a certain group of organisms

How do horses get organisms?

Horses are living to! They have organisms for their body to.

Describe the basic needs of all living organisms?

-living things need food for energy -living things need water in order to survive -living things need a suitable habitat to survive -living things exchange gases, when animals breathe in and out,its body is getting rid of carbon dioxide and is breathing in oxygen

What is immume and its function?

Immune system is an essential for all living organisms. In bodies immunity system helps to protect the body from harmful diseases. Vitamins , carbohydrates are essential to boost immune system in a body.

Do all living organisms have insulin?

yes all organisms have insulin in their body

What system protects the body's organisms?

The immune system.

What most organismsneed to survive?

Every organism NEEDS 4 things to live. 1. Water. Self-explainable. 2. Food. It's an energy source. 3. Living Space. All organisms need space to obtain food and water. 4. Stable Internal Conditions. Organisms must be able to keep their body stable, even when outside conditions change. (Like System Regulation a.k.a. Regulation of body temperature.) Everything else, is what certain species need to survive. But those 4 are the basics for all organisms. EVERY living thing needs these things.

What is bacteria living organism or non living organism?

Inside the body of living organisms they behave as living beings and when they are outside the living body they behave as non - living beings

What is the purpose for a body system?

to survive/live

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Which body system allows organisms to continue their race?

The reproductive system.