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More likely than not, yes. Your body needs water far more than it needs food, though it still needs both to survive and be healthy. Drinking in the sense of alcohol - probably not because most forms of alcohol are high in calories. Most anorexics will stick with water. Some might have diet sodas and such, others might have a flavored or carbonated water. Almost all will drink something that is low-cal with little to no sugars in it, though.

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Q: Do anorexics drink anything
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When your anorexic can you drink Diet Coke?

Anorexics can eat or drink almost anything, but can also become ill.

What Common laxative used by anorexics?

Anorexics tned to use whatever laxative they wish. Usually, it is anything that is readiy available to them and not too expensive. Anorexics also use less laxatives than other eating disorders (like bulimia) do, too.

Why do anorexics drink diet soda?

Diet soda has little to no calories (depending on the brand or type). Anorexics do not want calories. Soda, even diet soda, will have more tastes than, say, water, so it will also provide that. Soda can also provide energy (caffeine), be filling as a drink, and (if they were also bulimic)the carbonation makes it easier to also throw up later. All of this comes with little or no calories, so anorexics think this is best.

Do anorexics drink coffee?

Yes, im anorexic & all i drink is water & black coffee. Its calorie free & it gives you that energy that you dont get from food. If you drink flavored coffee, theres tons of calories in there so i stick with black.

Who diagnoses anorexics?

Most anorexics are diagnosed by pediatricians or family practitioners

How does anorexia affect lack of energy?

Because anorexics restrict their food intake, they are under their daily calorie needs. The body uses the calories in food and drink to convert into energy. Without this food, as well as nutritional deficiencies like low iron, anorexics often have low energy.

How quickly do anorexics lose weight if there healthy?

Anorexics are never healthy, you need food to be healthy.

How many calories do anorexics consume?

Most anorexics consume 600-800 calories a day.

Are anorexics in denial?

Most anorexics deny that they are ill and are usually brought to treatment by a family member

Why do anorexia have hot drinks?

Anorexics believe that it burns calories to drink hot or cold drinks because your body has to work to keep your body temp. at the normal range.

What is it when you can't eat anything or drink anything?

fasting you do it for church to get a blessing you cant eat or drink you can only drink water.

Do healthy anorexics exist?
