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Q: Do any countries other then America and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving?
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What are the countries that celebrate thanksgiving?

canada and america

Do other countries celebrate Thanksgiving?

Yes, Canada does.

The two countries that celebrate thanksgiving?

The US and Canada.

Do any other countries besides the US and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

The U.S. and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving. Some countries which celebrate a similar holiday include Germany, Japan, and Liberia.

Do any countries other than America and Canada celebrate something like Thanksgiving?

Yes, many countries such as Germany, Grenada, Korea, and Japan celebrate something like the North Americans' Thanksgiving Day. See link:

When is Thanksgiving celebrated in countries other than the US?

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in America because of the help offered to the new settlers by the Indians their first winter here. Other countries do not celebrate Thanksgiving since the historic basis is unique to America, but there may be similar holidays where other countries celebrate what they are thankful for.

What 2 countries celebrate Thanksgiving Day first?

canada and usa

When does Argentina celebrate Thanksgiving?

No. Thanksgiving is only celebrated in America.

What are three other countries that celebrate Thanksgiving?

Canada, Liberia, and the Netherlands.

What continent celebrates Thanksgiving?

Both the United States and Canada have Thanksgiving holidays, though they are different. Both are located on the continent of North America, but you can't really say the whole North America celebrates the same holiday.

How many countries celebrate Thanksgiving?

No. Thanksgiving as a national holiday is also celebrated in Canada. There are also harvest festivals and celebrations around the world at various time of year coinciding with the yearly gathering of crops. Most are not called "Thanksgiving" yet they celebrate the same thing.

Does Canada celebrate a similar holiday as thanksgiving?