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Yes. if a species of snake is venomous, it has that venom from the very beginning.

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7y ago

Absolutely! They are just as deadly when first hatched as the full-grown adults!

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Q: Do baby king cobras have venom?
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Do king cobra spit venom?

No, King Cobras cannot spit venom. Only spitting cobras can. they inject venom

Does all king cobras spit venom?

No - the King cobra does not spit venom.

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Can king cobras spit poision?

no only spitting cobras spit venom

How do king cobras commnicate?

King cobras communicate by doing many things. When it is afraid it will spit venom in its preys eyes.

What do king cobras do to there prey?

bite there prey and release venom in it

Why does venom come out king cobras teeth?

To kill their prey

How does the human interaction help king cobra?

cobras venom helps treat most venom by turning it into anti-venom.

Do king cobras have pousin in the tongue?

No - the venom is delivered through their fangs.

Do king cobras have poison?

They have venom, more correctly. A very dangerous snake.

Do king cobras eat pythons?

yes it can becaue the pythons venom reacts faster than the king cobra

How do king cobras g et venom?

They have venom glands in the back of their mouths that produce a toxin that other organisms react to. Only venomous snakes can produce venom.