

Do betta fish like the light?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: Do betta fish like the light?
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What do betta fish like?


Do betta fish like sun?

Well, Yes and no. Betta do like LIGHT to be able to distinguish night and day, they also need the warmth, but you can use a heater. betta fish do need light, but it is not good to keep a betta in direct sunlight as it may increase the temperature byy far too much. so just keep it in light at day, or get a lamp.

What does an overfed betta fish look like?

a fat betta fish

What do babie betta fish look like?

They look just like Big betta fish, but smaller.

What does a blue female betta fish look like?

it looks like they have a big bubble in their side

You showed your betta fish a different fish that wasn't a betta and he like him Now he was chasing him every time he came by him you had to take the other fish out What is wrong?

Betta are social fish. There is nothing wrong.

Are Betta fish one color or multiple colors?

Betta fish are usually multiple colors like turquoise on the tail fin and blue on the body and purple on the top fin. They can be one color like red and light red and dark red.

What is the life cycle of a betta fish?

The life cycle of a betta Fish goes like this: *They hatch *They live *They die

Do betta like light?

they can not be in direct sunlight, but a little light is good.My beta fish Red Fish loves his little lamp on his shelf. I think he is more active at night with his lamp and music on

Can female betta fish live with smaller fish?

yes but do not pick fish that are soooo small like minnows because your betta will EAT HIM UP!

What do you do to make your fish like you?

UMMM... my fish (the golf fish) just ger excited when I turn of their tank light in the morning, cause that's when I feed them. The Betta doesn't really get excited.

Do Betta like their privacy when they spawn?

Fish and Aquariams