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Birds breathe through their mouth/nose just like you and I.

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Lungs. Fish have gills.

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birds will breadth through lungs.

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Q: Do birds have breathe air or gills?
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How many more animals breathe with gills?

Fish breathe with gills. By the way, whales do not. They breathe air, because they are mammals.

What is the breathing method of mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish?

Mammals, birds, reptiles and adult amphibians breathe using lungs. Fish breathe using gills, while juvenile amphibians breathe using gills and spiracles.

What happens to a fish if you breathe into its gills?

That is where it breathe in water and if you blew air into its gill you would drown it in air

Do mammals have gills and can breathe underwater?

No, mammals don't have gills, and can't breathe under water. Mammals have lungs, breathe air and have to hold their breath when diving.

Do jellyfish breathe through gills or lungs?

none because they never come up to the surface to breathe air and they dont have gills!

Can sharks breathe air?

No. Sharks are fish, they breathe water through their gills.

Do elephants breath with lungs or gills?

Elephants breathe with lungs.Most land animals breathe with lungs.All mammals breathe with lungs.All reptiles breathe with lungs .All birds breathe with lungs.Some amphibians breathe with lungs, while some do not.Only fish and marine crustaceans breathe with gills.

Does a gerbil have gills?

No. Gerbils breathe air through their lungs.

What are two ways that amphibians breathe?

Young frogs, or tadpoles, breathe underwater using gills. Then they grow lungs and lose their gills. As adults, they breathe air using their lungs.

Do Some mammals have gills and can breathe under water?

No, no mammals don't have gills, and can't breathe under water. Mammals have lungs, breathe air and have to hold their breath when diving.

Can turtles breathe on land?

Turtles have lungs - not gills. They breathe just fine in air, on land.

Do whales and fish breathe air with lungs?

Whales breathe with lungs, and fish use gills.