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Since Bobcats are predators - yes. Animals tend not to sit still and be eaten.

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Q: Do bobcats attack to get their food?
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How do bobcats eat birds?

They attack there pray

Will a bobcat chase a human?

Yes, bobcats will and do attack cats, dogs, and small children. I have had 5 cats eaten by bobcats, in one season's time.

Where do bobcats find food?

Bobcats sometimes find the cat food or dog food that is left outside overnight for the domestic pets of uninformed yet well-intentioned pet owners. However; bobcats usually find their food in the forest. Bobcats are very good at sitting still and waiting for birds to land near to them. Then they pounce. Because bobcats have very good reflexes, they will also pounce upon prey that they just happen to startle, like mice or squirrels.

What kill bobcats?

the things that kill bobcats are the lynx its cousin, Jaguars and pumas for food. and also killed by hunters for there skins or for a game.

What is a bobcats predators?

Bobcats are apex predators. They usually don't have any other predators that hunt on them. However there have been known cases where large Coyote populations have affected the number of bobcats in the area. This suggests that during conflicts Coyotes can attack and even kill them.

Who preys upon bobcats?

Bobcats are apex predators. They usually don't have any other predators that hunt on them. However there have been known cases where large Coyote populations have affected the number of bobcats in the area. This suggests that during conflicts Coyotes can attack and even kill them.

Do bobcats attack small livestock?

They can, but they are not very likely too. Horses are far too large prey for a bobcat.

Where does a bobcat get its food?

Bobcats generally feed on small mammals, particularly rabbits and hares.

What do bobcats reproduce?

Bobcats reproduce more bobcats by sexual reproduction.

Who is the predator of a bobcat?

Bobcats are apex predators. They usually don't have any other predators that hunt on them. However there have been known cases where large Coyote populations have affected the number of bobcats in the area. This suggests that during conflicts Coyotes can attack and even kill them. Wolves, coyotes, hawks, owls, and eagles prey upon young bobcats (cubs).

How do bobcats attack big animals?

They don't. Elk are much too large. Bobcats ARE known to take deer, though.

Are bobcats mean in the wild?

No, they are quite prolific. I have seen them often in California, near the suburbs.