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Neither, it is their natural ability to fly.

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Q: Do butterflies have powder or dust on wing s to help fly?
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Related questions

How long can a butterflies wing be?

A butterflies wing can start at about an eighth of an inch an increase to the wing span of an amazing 12 inches! That is a whole ruler!

What adaptations do Glass wing butterflies have?

They are ugly

What are scaly wings?

Scaled wings are wings that are made up of a epidermal membrane and are generally no more then two cells thick. The scales grow out of a small socket in the membrane. They are found on moths, skippers, and butterflies. The order they belong to, Lepidoptera, is actually Latin for "scale-wing".

What is an environmental variable that affects wing color in western white butterflies?

The amount of UV light affects the wing color in Western White butterflies. The female has wing scales that reflect UV light while the male has wing scales that absorb it.

How big is a buterfly?

a butterflies wing span is 12 cm

Does butterflies need an apostrophe?

As a plural noun, butterflies does not need an apostrophe. Apostrophes are not used to make nouns plural.As a possessive noun, butterflies does needan apostrophe. The plural form is butterflies' (the butterflies' wing). Apostrophes are used to show possession.

What gives color to a butterfly's wings?

The dust on the wing

Does wing dimension affect the flight of butterflies?

The length of a wing will affect the flight motion. The shape of the wing is also another factor that affects the speed of the flight.

What does zebra spiders eat?

Zebra long wing butterflies feed on pollen. Zebra long wing butterflies are the only known specie of butterfly that is known to feed on pollen.

Compare and contrast ladybugs and butterflies?

When you compare ladybugs and butterflies, one of the biggest contrasts that you see is size as ladybugs are much smaller. Ladybugs have hard wing covers and butterflies have a greater variety of colors.

What does the line A stage below in gay accord White butterflies danced on the wing mean?

At a lower level (than the skylark) a host of white butterflies fluttered about.

What are butterflies?

Butterflies like the viceroy have adaptations that help them survive. The viceroy would make a tasty snack for birds if they didn't look like the monarch. The Monarch Butterflies bright colours and horrible taste to birds help them survive. Birds stay away from them. The viceroy has an advantage by looking almost exactly like the monarch. I hope that helps you!