

Do cats lose teeth or claws?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Yes they lose their teeth when they are younger, but if they don't lose them after a while you need to take them to the vet to be pulled don't try it yourself. Cats should have all their adult teeth by seven or eight months old. However, many cats develop gum diseases by the time they are three or four years old, and some will indeed loose teeth, or have to have them removed to stop infection spreading. As for claws, cats do not naturally lose claws (although the outer layers will shed - which is what keeps a cat's claws sharp). A cat's claws are attached to their toe bones, so are very strong and are not meant to be removed.

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Cats can escape predators by running. Cats may also use their two greatest weapons: their claws and teeth. When cats are threatened, they often swipe their claws at their enemy.

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they dont have nails-they have claws, and i think it is possible.

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by fighting and huntingStealth, camouflage, teeth and claws

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Kittens lose their deciduous teeth (baby/kitten teeth) at around 5 to 6 months of age, and the adult canine teeth grow in. Adult cats may lose these teeth due to injury or disease, and new teeth do not grow back.

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Cats have sharp teeth and claws. They can run fast and climb trees.

Do declawed cats catch mice?

Even though they do not have claws, declawed cats do catch mice. Cats have very strong paws, as well as sharp teeth.