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Many plant and some animal cells use oil for energy storage .

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Q: Do cells use oils for energy storage in organims?
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What is used for insulation and storage of energy in the body?

no, proteins are not. the answer would be lipids (otherwise known as fats and oils)

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Are used for long term energy storage insulation and protective?

no, proteins are not. the answer would be lipids (otherwise known as fats and oils)

What type of organic compound provides the best energy storage?

Carbohydrates function in short-term energy storage (such as sugar) and as intermediate-term energy storage (starch for plants and glycogen for animals). Fats and oils function in long-term energy storage. Fats yield 9.3 Kcal/gm, while carbohydrates yield 3.79 Kcal/gm. Fats thus store six times as much energy as glycogen.

What do amyloplasts store in potato cells?

Amyloplasts are used for the synthesis and storage of starch. Proteins are usually stored in the Golgi Apparatus. As for the plants oils, that is different depending on the plant.

What is carbohydrates role in an animal cell?

Lipids include fats oils and waxes. These fats provide necessary energy. The carbs are composed of glucos, fructose, and galactose. These are like sugars that give energy.

What are a lipids job?

They have 7 main jobs. They are used to compose the membrane in cells. They are used as hormones to regulate body function. They can be used as protection (such as wax [which protects the ear]). Their main job is energy storage. They are capable of storing a large amount of energy in the form of triacylglycerols (which is bascially a fancy word for fats and oils). They also insulate our bodies and cushsion our organs.

Where are oils and fats stored in a palisade cell?

Palisade cells are present in the leaves of many plants. In palisade cells, oils and fats are stored in the cell membrane.

What compound includes fats oils and sweets?

Lipids, an energy-rich compound, includes fats, oils, and sweets.

Why are fats and oils important to animals and plants?

Animals and plants use fats and oils to store energy and insulation

In what form do lipids enter the cells of the body?

As fatty acids or oils