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at anaphase 2. IN matephase 1 the spindle fiber attach to one spindle fiber. in anaphase 2 they attach to two spindle fibers then divide and move to opposite ends of the cell. now each is an individual chromosone

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Q: Do centromeres divide in meiosis anaphase 1 or 2?
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Do centromeres divide at anphase 1 or 2?

anaphase 2

What happens to centromere in anaphase 1?

They divide in anaphase 2. which means they separate they become 2 new cells and their the same in chromesomes.

When do homologous chromosomes move towards opposite poles in meiosis?

In Anaphase I of meiosis.

During which phase of meiosis do spindle fibers move the sister chromitatdes to the center of cells?

That would be anaphase I of meiosis. We know the question is concerning meiosis and not mitosis because it involves homologous chromosomes. Anaphase I begins when the kinetochore fibers stemming from the centrioles "grab" the centromeres of homologous chromosomes and "pull" them towards opposite ends of the cell.The mechanisms are a little more complicated than "grabbing" and "pulling," but for this question the mechanisms are of little importance.

What stage of meiosis is the chromosome number reduced?

In Anaphase I

What specific stage in meiosis do homologous chromosomes separate?

Anaphase lAnaphase I

During what does the sister chromatids of chromosomes separate and four haploid daughter cells are formed?

Plato users, Meiosis I. i dont know the answer , but this is not the answer !

What are the step to meiosis?

The steps to Meiosis are ;~ Prophase 1~ Metaphase 1~ Anaphase 1~ Telephase 1~ Prophase 2~ Metaphase 2~ Anaphase 2~ Telephase 2

When does independent assortment occur in meiosis?

Independent assortment occurs during metaphase I

What phase in meiosis does the double stranded chromosomes move to the center of the cell and separate?

the double-stranded chromosomes move to the center of the cell and seperate, is in the beginning or end of the meiosis?

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What are the phases of meiosis 1?

they are prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I and telophaseI. :)