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No they don't the black spots help keep them camoflauged from a young age so they have adapted to have black spots.

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Q: Can baby cheetahs see hear or have fur when they are born?
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Do cheetahs have fur when first born?

Yes, they have dark, fluffy, fur that they shed over time.

Do cheetahs shed?

Yes, cheetahs shed their fur.

What is it about baby cheetahs that makes them look bigger to predators?

because their cheetahsThey fluff up their fur.

Do cheetahs have fur?

Yes they do

Do baby squirrels have fur?

no baby squirrels are not born with fur but when they reach 5 weeks old they should have gained all their fur

What are cheetahs covered in?

fur and spots// spotty fur and skin

Do cheetahs have spots when they are born?

Actually Cheetahs are born with spots on the long Grey fur they are born with. They are one of the only animals to be born with they're future characteristics Example: Me having brown hair i keep it forever unless i die it same with cheetahs

Why are people poaching cheetahs?

for their fur

What animals have spots on its fur?


What are cheetahs predator?

nothingA cheetahs predator is a hyena when it is a baby. humans will also go after cheetahs for their fur and bigger animals will go after cheetahs if they can catch the cheetah to eat them or to eat the food the cheetahs have caught.They have a lot. They live in Africa. Cheetahs predators are, Lions, Boars, Hyenas, Jaguars, Baboons, Crocs (in water), Humans

What color fur do cheetahs?

A honey golden fur with black gray spots.

Are baby rabbits born without fur?
