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Naturally in the wild, the African fat tailed gecko will not pick one mate for life. It is common for a female to mate with multiple males during mating season. In captivity, a fat tailed gecko MAY mate with one partner for life as humans control their mating cycle.

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Q: Do fat tail geckos mate for life?
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Related questions

How do you tell the difference between a leopard gecko and a fat tail gecko?

fat tail leopard geckos tail are much larger than normal leopard gecko tails.The markings are different leopard geckos have a different personality

Do African fat tail geckos lose their tails and grow them back?

Yes, If lost a African fat tail will re generate a new tail, although it may look different from the original, it still provides the same purposes.

How do you get your leopard geckos tail fat?

if you keep feeding you leopard gecko like i do he will store part of the food he eats in his tail.So the only way you can get it fat is to feed him/her.

Are fat tailed geckos invertebrate?

No. Geckos are vertebrates.

Why do baby geckos shake their tails before they attack their food?

fat tailed geckos shake there tail because they are naturally slow and use it to distract the cricket. by causing a distraction on the back end they can get close with the head

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

Why are geckos tails fat?

Leopard geckos have fat tails because in the wild they may not eat for days and days. Whenever you feed you leopard gecko a samll portion of there meal goes to there tail. This is stored up nutrients for days when they may not eat. THis way a gecko can live from the nutrients in there tail. This does not mean you should stop feeding you gecko for days on end. Baby and juvenille geckos should be fed every day. However an adult gecko i find is perfectly comfortable eating a large meal every other day. ANd when i say large i mean 5 large crickets. My geckos are perfectly healthy and happy on this diet.

Do leopard geckos tails fall off?

A gecko drops its tail as a defense mechanism induced by fear. When a predator approaches, the gecko is able is drop the tail and leave it behind to entice the predator. However, the gecko then loses the fat stored in its tail that will keep it healthy during times when food is harder to find.

What species are related to leopard geckos?

things like lizard, bearded dragons, and other types of geckos like fat- tailed geckos

Can an African fat-tail gecko live without tail?

AFT's have the ability to loose their tail for defence purposes. The tail will grow back, more than likely an odd blunt tip, but it does regenerate. Thus, your African fat tail will be able to continue life without it's tail.

What do fat tailed leopard geckos eat?


Where do Fat tailed geckos live?

In Africa.