

Do fish eggs have embryos

Updated: 10/7/2023
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7y ago

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"Yes! Fish eggs are jelly-like in texture. There are two different ways fish moms give birth. Some will lay their eggs in a safe, hidden environment where the eggs can grow safely in a nest. Others will keep the fertilized eggs in their bellies, until they hatch inside them and give birth."

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12y ago
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7y ago

a fertilized fish egg goes into embryonic development

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12y ago

Fish have eggs. Only mammals can give birth to live babies. Fish, Amphibians (frogs & toads) birds and reptiles all have eggs.

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13y ago

An embryo is a fertilized egg so once the fish eggs have been fertilized, yes they do.

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How do embryos develop externally?

In eggs.

What are the different kinds of eggs?

Amniot Eggs ---- Amniot eggs are complex eggs made by air breathing animals such as reptiles, birds, and mammals. Cormorant: rough and chalky bird eggs Tinamou: shinny bird eggs Duck Eggs: oily and waterproof bird eggs Cassowary: heavily pitted bird eggs Fish & Amphibian Eggs ---- Fish eggs are layed under water and fertilized externally. Amphibian eggs are also layed underwater, but are fertilized internally. Embryos ---- Embryos are the eggs that most mammals. once fertilized the zygote goes through blastula, gastrula, and organogenesis while inside of the blasomeres.

Why is the fish egg is larger than the human egg?

An obvious reason is that the fertilised fish egg must survive and grow independent of the mother's nourishment, whereas human embryos grow within the womb and are nourished directly and continuously by the mother. The human egg therefore doesn't require a store of nutrients, whereas the fish egg must contain all the energy the growing fish embryo will require until it hatches.

Will frog eggs live with out being fertilized?

No, they would not hatch or develop embryos.

Will all eggs laid by hens grow and develop into embryos?

No. Unless there has been a rooster to inseminate the hen, the eggs will not be fertile.

How many embryos do women have?

It has been reported that most women develop about 400 eggs in their ovaries by the time of menstruation. These wouldn't be embryos until they have been fertilized.

Is Caviar made from fish eggs?

Yes Caviar is fish eggs. The eggs of the Sturgeon fish.

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