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Yes, some boys and girls dance at Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations, if they feel like it. However not usually during a service. Also, if the celebration is durin the Omer or on Sabbath, music may not be played.

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Q: Do girls and boys dance at bat and bar mitzvahs?
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Are bar mitzvahs for boys?

Yes; bat mitzvah is for girls.

Is it true that some Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs can take place on Friday night?

yes it is. it happens on the night of their birthday, 13 for boys and 12 for girls. this is based on some research.

What does a bar mitzvah singnifie for a girl?

Girls have Bat Mitzvahs.

How are Jewish boys and girls different?

It's easy: 1. Jewish boys get circumcised, Jewish girls just undergo baby naming 2. Jewish boys have BAR Mitzvahs, Jewish girls have BAT Mitzvahs 3. In Orthodox Judaism, Jewish men are in charge of the synagogue while Jewish women are in charge of the home

What kind of party do Jewish boys have?

Bar Mitzvahs for when they turn 13 years old.

Do parents go to Bar Mitzvahs?

Absolutely! Bar Mitzvahs are FAMILY events.

What are 13 year old girls interested in?

Most 13 year old girls are interested in boys, puberty, parties, bar/bat Mitzvahs, friends, shopping, clothes, cell phones, dieting and all of that kind of stuff.

When do orthodox boys start wearing the Jewish prayer cloth?

It's called a "tallit" and they start wearing it at their Bar Mitzvahs.

Does anyone get bar mitzvahed at age 12?

Girls have Bat Mitzvahs and can technically get a Mitzvah at age of 12. Boy have Bar Mitzvahs and are suppose to get them at 13. In my synagog we all get a Mitzvah at 13 give or take a week or sometimes more depending on the case.

Is dancing mandatory at bar mitzvahs?


What do girls wear on their bar mitzvahs?

Girls typically wear a nice dress. In non-Orthodox synagogues, dress slacks or pants suits are sometimes worn.

What does the synagouge have to do with a bar mitzvah?

Bar mitzvahs are held at synagogues.