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YES> or at least mine do it may not seem like it when you just get a guinea pig but you need to tame them out like mine is sitting on my lap right now as i type and she doesnt move she loves getting out of her cage

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14y ago
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13y ago

YES! They love it! The more you play with them the better!

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12y ago

my guinea pig likes to be stroked like a dog and he likes to be pet behind his ears

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Q: Do guinea pigs like to be held and played with?
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What else besides music do guinea pigs like?

Guinea pigs are rodents. They enjoy snuggling in their cages, feeling safe. Some enjoy being held or played with. Some may enjoy playing with small animal toys. Each guinea pig will have slightly different preferences.

How are guinea pigs different from pigs?

Pigs are bovine furless animals that can grow to 300-400 pounds. Guinea pigs are small furry rodents that can be held in a person's hands.

Do guinea pigs like to be held?

Actually no. If you sit them in your lap and give them some freedom without holding them, they will actually get used to you. You wanna let them be free in your lap for about a half hour and then you can pick them up and hold them but they prefer not to be held. I would know because I have 12 guinea pigs so no they don't like to be held.

What does cooked guinea pig look like?

Bruned guinea pigs and dead guinea pigs.

How old are guinea pigs?

guinea pigs can live up to 8 years old i should know i have had like 8 guinea pigs!

Do guinea pigs eat maggots?

No, guinea pigs tend to stick to fruits and vegetables.

What is a guinea pigs domain?

Like all animals, guinea pigs are in the Eukaryota domain.

How long are guinea pigs?

Just like humans, guinea pigs vary in size :)

Can you put chinchilas and guinea pig on play dates?

No, guinea pigs only like guinea pigs. Sorry...

What do guinea pigs like?

Guinea pigs like celarie and fruits and other vegies! (P.S. no grass can be posioned!)

Are all guinea pigs pets?

No, there are some places like Peru that have wild guinea pigs.

What does the babies look like when rabbits and guinea pigs bred?

they are a gabbit and have very long ears no tail and have a shape like a guinea pig