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Q: Do heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects in free fall?
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In freefall heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects?


In freefall heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects A True b false?


Is their any chance that the heavier objects in free fall differ from the lighter objects when it comes to its acceleration?

Yes. The acceleration depends on the aerodynamics of the shapes of the objects - not their mass.

The size of the difference threshold is greater for heavier objects than for lighter ones?

Webers Law

Why do heavier objects fall faster then lighter objects?

Heavier objects have more gravitational pull on them

In freefall do heavier objects fall with a greater acceleration than lighter objects?

no, they fall the same acceleration ( one gravity ) neglecting air resistance; however they may reach different velocities with air resistance.

What is the direction of acceleration for an object in the air?

Heavier than air objects accelerate downwards. Lighter than air objects accelerate upwards until they are no lighter than the air around them.

Why is A heavier objects harder to accelerate than a lighter object?

A heavier object has more mass than the lighter object.The acceleration of any object is (force on the object) divided by (the object's mass).A = F/MAs this simple fraction shows, if equal forces were applied to many different objects, you'd immediately see that the smaller an object's mass is, the moreacceleration results.

How do the velocities of unbalanced weights compared?

When dropped the mass of an object does not affect the rate at which it falls. The size and shape may affect the wind resistance which affects falling velocity but heavier objects will not fall faster than lighter objects with all other variables constant.

Is weight measured in g or kilogram?

in kg for larger, heavier objects, but g for smaller lighter objects

Does lighter objects fall down faster then heavier objects?

No lighter things do not fall faster than heavier things. In a vacuum they will fall at the same speed. Normally the heavier thing will fall down faster because of its weight. Sometimes the lighter thing falls faster depending on the air resistance.

Is it easier for a tornado to lift heavier objects or lighter objects?

As common sense would suggest, it is easier for them to lift light objects.