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hedgehogs make better pets in my opinion. They take up a small amount of space, don't shed, can be trained to use a litter box and are very unique. Rabbits and guinea pigs are also very jumpy.

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Q: Do hedgehogs or rabbits or guinea pigs make better pets?
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Is a rabbit or guinea pig better?

It depends on what you can afford to keep. I have both. rabbits bite alot guinea pigs don't its rare to guinea pigs bite i don't hold my rabbit ALOT because it keeps on biting me all rabbits bite my guinea pig ''oh'' he does not bite i hold him all the time when rabbits are angry the strach very hard and bite guinea pigs only chatter there teeth

Can rabbits and guinea pigs stay in the same shed?

Yes, they make great friends but make shore the rabbit isn't to big as it may trod on the guinea pig.

Do jack rabbits make good pets?

jack rabbits can be very aggressive, so I highly recommend a pet store rabbit or a guinea pig.

What to wash a guinea pig with besides Johnson baby soap?

Try using a specially fortified guinea pig or rabbit shampoo. They can usually be found quite easily at most petstores and will do wonders for your pet's coat. Shampoo fortified for guinea pigs and rabbits will make them smell better for longer than just plain old Johnson's Baby Soap.

Can you buy guinea pig products for pet hedgehogs?

You can always buy products designed for one species for another, but it may not make sense: a Guinea pig's diet is different from a hedgehog's, so most edible items will be unsuitable. However, hey or wood chips used for bedding will suit both species, and so will some other products, such as hiding places made from natural materials.

Can you feed your rabbit guinea pig food?

You can. Rabbit pellets and guinea pig pellets are essentially the same thing. Guinea pig pellest usually have vitamin C included in their ingredients...which is an essential vitamin for a guinea pig to consume. Other animals, like rabbits, horses etc, make their own vitamin C but guinea pigs don't, so like us, they need to consume it by eating things like apples. My recommendation is that you buy guinea pig pellets; rabbits can eat them as well and you make sure your pig is getting what it needs.

How do you make your EC on howrse better?

Grow crops and sell them and then but 100's of Rabbits!

What are the main dangers for hedgehogs in your garden?

Band other hedgehogs from coming make a safe cage and make everything else secure.

Does a hamster or guinea pig make a better pet?

A hamster tbh :D x

Does a hamster or guinea pig make a better pet for a 11-year-old?

a guinea pig they are more fun to play with for this age and live longer

Is a bunny a good companion for a guinea pig?

Rabbits/Bunnies do NOT make good cage mates for Guinea Pigs. The Guinea Pig needs another of its own kind to thrive. Even if it does have another Guinea Pig partner, the Rabbit/Bunny may try to kill, hurt, or eat them. I hope this answers your question!

How do you make a cake for your guinea pig?

The same as you would with a recipe for a normal cake. Just make sure that all ingredients are allright for the guniea pig to eat and all.