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we also exhale water(h2o) along with carbon dioxide.

All the constituents of the air we inhale are in the air we exhale. The proportions differ because of the gas exchange in the lungs.

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14y ago

Yes, humans are constanty breathing in Carbon Dioxide, or CO2. This is because it makes up around 0.04% of the air that we breathe in. We do not, however, use the Carbon Dioxide. It is expelled as we breathe out, along with the rest of the waste Carbon Dioxide we produce as a by-product of respiration.

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What gas is formed during respiration?

The gas that is formed during respiration is carbon dioxide. Humans breathe in a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although, only oxygen is used. When humans exhale they release all of the nitrogen and more carbon dioxide than was inhaled.

Do humans inhale carbon dioxide?

Humans breathe in whatever happens to be in the air when they breathe in. If there is carbon dioxide then they will breathe it in as well as nitrogen and oxygen. However they only use the oxygen for respiration so they breathe out everything else with extra carbon dioxide.

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Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, which all animal life (including humans) exhale in their breath. So when you breathe out, you are emitting a mosquito magnet!

Do humans breathe out only carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide with a little amount of oxygen?

we breath out a little oxygen aswell

If humans exhale carbon dioxide and mouth to mouth resuscitation is used to force oxygen into a person isn't the rescuer forcing carbon dioxide not oxygen into the lungs of the person not breathing?

Only a proportion of the air exhaled is carbon dioxide there is plenty of Oxygen there to do what is required under normal circumstances. People don't use all of the oxygen they breath in, a % of it is blown right back out of the body again.

Do Factory's make carbon dioxide?

Only factories that use and burn coal produce carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Forest fires and humans produce the most carbon dioxide.

Why air is unlimited?

as we breathe in, we breathe in air but produce carbon dioxide when we exhale (a natural body process where the oxygen is brought to the somatic (body) cells and the waste from that cell (carbon dioxide) is brought back to the lungs to be expelled). that carbon dioxide then enter the atmosphere and is absorbed by trees who have a similar system yet "exhale" air. and that is only one part of the beautiful circle of life

How does breathing?

You don't only "breath in air, and breath out air," You breath in Oxygen and let out Carbon Dioxide. Passes to the diaphragm and the lungs, inhale oxygen, it goes through your body, exhale Carbon Dioxide, From which the body has made when inhaled.

What will happen to humans if carbon dioxide is the only gas in the atmosphere?

we will all suffocate due to no oxygen

Do plants exhale carbon dioxide early morning?

Yes - According to common talk in India, plants exhale a little bit of carbon dioxide in the early morning after all night inhaling of CO2. Hey, if you have been up inhaling this stuff all night long it is only natural to have had enough by morning! Note that I said "common talk" and not "conventional wisdom".

Who or what will be affected most if there were no carbon dioxide in the air?

Plants would die, humans would get super stimulated. Plants love, and only breathe in, carbon dioxide. Humans can become hyper-active or overstimulated with nearly pure air, or Oxygen.

What is interdependence of plants and humans?

Plants being at the bottom of the food chain do not require anything from humans. They are produces meaning they produce their own energy. The only way they depend on humans is to produce carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Humans, along with every other consumer and decomposer depends on plants as the basis of all energy. example- if you remove the base of a tower the whole tower will fall, however if you remove the top of the tower the base will be unaffected.