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Humans beings have been here for 120,000 years ago to present. People depend on other species for many things such as food, fuel and natural fibres, they all come from other species. Many medicines have come from wild plants and animals. There are probably many other medicines in plants that haven't been found yet. Variety of life on Earth is called Biodiversity. x

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Yes, hunting, pollution.

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Q: How can humans cause extinction of other species?
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What are some things that humans can do that other animals can't?

Humans can distinguish between right and wrong.

What was aitchison's Criteria for language?

There are four criteria for language. Displacement is the ability for humans to refer and recall events that are not currently happening. Semanticity is relating the word to aspects of the world around. Structure dependence refers to the language as being characterized by a series of symbols that don't resemble any given object. Creativity is the ability to produce and understand an infinite number of novel utterances. Aitchison believed these four criteria for language were particular for the human species, and is what separates humans from other animal species.

Most dangerous animal that has ever lived?

since dinosaurs are extinct, i believe it should be the alligator because it used to attack and eat a tiger! the most biggest cat! so that means the alligator is the worlds dangerous animal. In your face!

How are dogs connected to humans?

For thousands of years, humans and dogs have derived benefit from the relationship with each other. Because both humans and canines have a similar nature for close family or pack relationships, they have developed the ability to include each other in those relationships. Some of the ways that this works for both species are a dogs ability to learn to perform jobs for humans based on their canine instincts, jobs that give them exercise and satisfaction and humans derive the benefit from the use of these abilities; both canine and human nature requires companionship and each can provide the other with reliable companionship to the advantage to humans that dogs only need their basic needs met to be faithful companions who don't judge or have issue with humans' frailties.

What factor that directs and energizes the behavior of humans and other organisms?


Related questions

Can humans affect extinction?

Absolutely ! The human race is the only animal species on the planet that has hunted other species to extinction.

Did humans have anything to do with mammoths dying out?

The answer to this question is not known. It is possible humans hunted the mammoths into extinction. It is also likely we will never be certain about the answer to this question. We have caused the extinction of numerous other interesting species, such as thylacine.

Who is causing the extinction of the animals?

we the humans Remember that extinction is the rule not the exception. While humans currently play a part in the extinction of a number of species climate change, competition with other animals are primary factors in extinction. Other factors are a diminished gene pool and the inability to adapt to disease.

Is it possible that the over population of humans necessitates the extinction of other species?

I think that judgment day will came before than, either way NO

What is the Sixth Extinction Theory?

According to theory, the extinction started when humans began to disperse across the globe about 100,000 years ago. As population increased, the need for food also increased. As a result people began using agriculture. While humans move across the earth as predators, other species become their prey. The Sixth Extinction Theory says that while people evolve, the world is dying- because our evolution is draining the world's resources. Therefore, the result is that humans are slowly destroying the Earth and we are the cause of The Sixth Extinction.

What statement describing a cause of extinction includes the other three?

member of extinct species lacked adaption essential for survival

What is the cause of the extinction of the Bengal Tigers?

Bengal Tigers are not in fact extinct, though three sub species are. The cause of the extinction of these three sub species are over hunting, and habitat destruction. The same goes for the Endangering of the other six sub species still alive today.

What affect do humans have on speciation?

As part of the environment of other organisms humans can have great effects on speciation. Especially adaptive radiation. As we contribute heavily to the extinction of some species other species flow into those open niches and radiate outwards to possible speciation.

What is background extinctions?

A background extinction is the continuous extinction of individual species caused by climate change, disease, loss of habitat, and competitive disadvantages against other species. Background extinctions occur at a slow rate over time, affecting only a few species at one time.

Do dolphins face extinction?

many river dolpinhs face extinction(in Asia one species was declared extinct) and so do many other species

What are some positive things on species extinction?

It frees up ecological niches for other species.

When two species use the same resource one species may drive the other to extinction?

competitive exclusion