

Do lanternfish eat shrimp

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Do lanternfish eat shrimp
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Related questions

What does lanternfish eat?

Lanternfish eat other, smaller fish, and planktonic organisms--anything small that they think may be edible. They even eat plastic bits.

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smaller fish, pelagic crustaceans such as shrimp and amphipods, cumaceans and less often cephalopods and lanternfish. As well as being important apex predators in the benthic habitat, some species are also notable as scavengers.

What does the lantern fish use its light for?

I cannot tell you the exact scientific or chemical explination but i can say that the bioluminescence is due to the reactions and adaptations of the lantern fishses' surroundings and enviornment.

Do humans eat shrimp?

yes they do eat shrimp...

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Goat shrimp eat Horny Goat Shrimp Weed

What eats a Lanternfish?

They must eat small fish, and some zooplankton since their only 6-8inches big and must be near the bottom of the food chain. So They must eat anthing smaller then them, like a small fish or zooplankton, possible since its a shark they eat crabs, or shrimp.

Do alligators eat shrimp?

Yes alligators eat shrimp.

What doesn't eat a shrimp?

I can't eat shrimp, I am allergic to them.

Do krill eat shrimp?

Shrimp normally scour the sea floor for food so shrimp don't normally eat live krill. Shrimp usually eat the leftovers of a krill.

Who will eat shrimp?

shrimp eaters.

What plants do shrimp eat?

Shrimp eat seaweed and plankton because they are omnivores

What is a lanternfish's predators?

Lanternfish are preyed upon by whales, dolphins, squid, and even penguins in the arctic.