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They will, and especially in hot weather. Most fishermen will use dark colored lures at night for bass.

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No, but their metabolism slows down in cold weather.

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They can be active day or night.

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Q: Do large mouth bass feed at night?
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When do large mouth bass bit the best?

in spring and summer Actually, spring and fall are best. In spring, bass feed heavy in anticipation of the spawn, and in fall, they feed heavily to build fat layers to last them through the cold winter months, when their metabolism slows down.

How do you raise largemouth bass caught from a lake?

you feed it and treat like a normal gold fish You do not treat a large mouth bass like a goldfish! i feed my bass goldfish but that doesnt mean it is one. you need a 75 gallon tank minimum, a very good filtration system (bass poop a lot) and depending on the size the right food. Mine eats live food only but it needs to be high in protein because of the fast growth rate of bass.

How often does a large mouth bass have to catch its prey?

Bass feed frequently every day in warm water. As the water cools in fall, they eat heavily for a few weeks, then as winter approaches, they slow down their feeding because as cold blooded animals, their metabolism drops.

Does anything eat a wide mouth bass?

Largemouth are prey for many species. As fingerlings, alrge fish, including larger bass feed on them. As juveniles, herons and otters feed on them, as well as snapping turtles. Adults have few enemies, man, otters, snapping turtles, alligators.

What do standard winged night-jar eat?

feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects.

What do spotail bass eat?

Spot tail bass, or red drum, channel bass, redfish, feed on smaller fish and crabs.

When do sharks come out?

you catch one it early morning or in the middle of the night

How do Small-mouth bass fish behave?

The smallmouth prefers cooler water than its cousins, the spotted and largemouth basses. They feed on smaller fish, frogs and crayfish, and are spectacular fighters when hooked.

How do bass eat?

sometimes they eat bread if you feed it to them

Does bass eat shiners?

Yes. Bass feed on any small fish they can catch. Shiners make good live bait for bass.

What do salt water bass eat?

Salt water bass feed manly on small prey fish.

Why do walleyes feed at night?

They are naturally adapted to it. Walleyes have large, somewhat glassy and "bulging" eyes well adapted to very low light conditions. They do not feed only at night, and they can be caught at any time of day (I speak from long experience), but they are well-known as active night feeders, simply because they can feed successfully at night when many other predatory species can't.