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Typically not. When you see a scene in a movie where someone ignites a fire with a gun, it is the heat from the bullet that starts it not sparks. Bullets are generally made up of either lead, or a lead core surrounded by copper. To use anything that would create a spark would tear up a gun barrel in no time.

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Q: Do lead bullets produce a spark?
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What are blue bullets?

Blue bullets are bullets are high quality Polymer Coated Lead Bullets.

Use of lead bullets?

Yes, may people use lead bullets for a variety of purposes.

Why does AR-15 have lead bullets?

Yes. Lead bullets do not wear out the rifling inside the barrel as fast as steel bullets. Still, many people use steel-jacketed bullets . . .

What does lead make?


What kind of bullets are there besides lead bullets?

Bullets can be made from many materials including wood, steel brass, copper, lead, tungsten, bronze, plastic, etc.

Why are bullets made of mild steel?

Usually they aren't. Lead, or lead in a copper shell (a "jacket") is the most common choice for bullets. Bullets CAN be made of mild steel, usually also copper jacketed, and it's usually done because of concerns about the lead from the bullets causing pollution. Mild steel is one of the less expensive replacement options for lead in bullets.

What element is in bullets?

Normally - lead.

What percentage of bullets have lead?

About 99%. Lead is an inexpensive metal that is soft and dense- 3 criteria for bullets. Most will be made of lead- if not entirely, they will have a lead core covered by another metal, such as copper.

What are bullets for a rifle or handgun are commonly made out?

Most bullets are made from lead. Some will have copper jackets around them, but the bullet itself will be lead.

How did they make the bullets out of lead?

By heating the lead into a liquid and pouring it into a mold

What products does the company Barnes Bullets offer?

Barnes Bullets is a company that makes bullets. Their bullets are lead-free. Barnes Bullets supplies bullets to the military as well as to the hunting community and to law enforcement agencies.

What were the eighteenth century bullets made out of?
