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No they do not. They are in chloroplasts.

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No they do not. They are in chloroplasts

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Q: Do mitochondria contain green pigment
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Does fungi contain green pigment chlorophyl?

No, Fungi does not contain the green pigment chlorophyll. The correct answer is Algae.

How do colorful leaves make their food?

They contain mitochondria which stores light energy as food, also through the use of chlorophyll (a green pigment).

Plants cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyll?

Plant cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyll also appear green in color. This green pigment is contained within the chloroplast.

Does the mitochondria have a green pigment this is a yes or no question?

NO. Green pigments are in chloroplasts.That is for photosynthesis

What does pigment contain?

the answer is blue green

What pigment does a green leaf contain?

chlorophyll is the green pigment which is necessary for photosynthesis to occur Chlorophyll

Contains the green pigment that absorbs light?

Chloroplasts contain the green pigment chlorophyll

What are producer bacteria that contain the green pigment chlorophyll called?

cyanobacteria contains a green pigment chlorophyll

Do leaves contain pigement?

The leaves are full of chloroplasts which contain the pigment chlorophyll. Green is the light wave reflected by this pigment.

What is the green pigment contained in the chloroplasts called?

Chloroplasts contain a green pigment called

Why is pin mold not green?

They are not green because they do not contain chlorophyll which is the green pigment in plants.

Why are chloroplast green?

chloroplasts have a green pigment in them called chlorophyll.