

Do more people die in earthquake or volcanic erruption?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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More people die in a Earthquake then in volcanoes.

Because, Earthquakes can make more damadge to the ground buildings and homes then a volcanoe can do. A volcanoe can't make as much damadge, How?

Well, lava can take more time to reach its destination

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Q: Do more people die in earthquake or volcanic erruption?
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When do volcanic earthquakes occur?

An earthquake can be caused in two different ways, there is a volcanic earthquake and a tectonic earthquake. Tectonics earthquakes are much more common than volcanic earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes are when magma, or molten rock, moves underground. This can cause earthquake directly in what is called a harmonic tremor, or indirectly by breaking and shifting rock. A tectonic earthquake is when stress built up by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is released in the form of shaking.

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E seva is the form of services provided by the government or any institutons, organisation at the time of natural calamities like earthquake, valcanic erruption and many more. These services works for the people and provide basic requirements like food, clothings at the time of disaster.

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E seva is the form of services provided by the government or any institutons, organisation at the time of natural calamities like earthquake, valcanic erruption and many more. These services works for the people and provide basic requirements like food, clothings at the time of disaster.

Is a volcanic island more likely to have a warm climate?

No. Tropical volcanic islands are just more noticeable because more people tend to live on them.

What killed more people the earthquake or the tsunami in japan?

The earthquake killed more people. It killed more people because the earth was shaking and buildings, TV sets, computers and other things might of gone on top of people and animals.

Did 300 people survive the Japan earthquake?

A lot more than 300 people survived the Earthquake, it was mainly the Tsunami that caused the damage and deaths.

What happened in Japan's earthquake?

They are building more buildings for people to live in!

How many people died in the Japanese earthquake?

More than 5000