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No. Most websites also contain images, active content (JavaScript or Flash), and meta-content (keywords, author info, etc).but they can

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Q: Do most webpages include only formatted text and links?
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Why is floppy disk formatted?

Most floppy disks will come pre-formatted. All floppy disks need to be formatted to be usable.

Which types of data are most likely NOT to be formatted as a text string?

birthdays, school grades, expiratin dates, and anything else that should be formatted as a number

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A database

What happens if you format an External Memory Card?

A memory card will be formatted to the system you format it on. The card will only work with the system it is formatted to, you may or may not get an error when you use a system that is not formatted to. Generally, it doesn't do much but some systems require formatting. Most times it erases all data, and replaces it with formatted files

Where can one perform online trading of options?

There are several webpages where one can perform trading of options. Most stocks and shares webpages offer this service, such as 'noble trading' or 'interactive brokers'.

Will Windows Vista recognize a hard disk formatted with Linux?

It will detect it in the hardware list, but it will be unable to read the data on it. There are 3rd-party programs that can read most Linux file systems from Windows. Some of them are listed in the "Related links" section below.

What is the most useful website in the world?

Google is very useful because it finds webpages for you.

What does fat allocation mean?

FAT Allocation is called File Allocation Table, it is a way that most USB sticks are formatted. It is used so you can share files with other computers, without a formatted device, it would not function.

What is the file htm used for?

HTM and HTML are the most common type of documents used to build static webpages.

The virus will affect after the hard drive was formatted?

Yes ,If you do not have the latest patches and the most updates anti virus software

What Interpets HTML and displays webpages?

HTML code is interpreted by a WWW server. Most popular are Apache, IIS and nginx.