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No. Consider florescent lights and florescent sea life.

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Q: Do objects that produce light have to be hot?
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What are objects that produce visible light are called?

Illuminated objects

What objects in space produce their own light?

the sun

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What objects in space produce light?

Sun and other stars, like Sirius are able to produce light of their own.

What is the difference between red hot and white hot?

When some objects get hot enough, they glow, given off a faint red light . If they get even hotter, the glow turns into white light. The objects are said to be white light

Are satellites luminous or non-luminous?

Non-luminous. Objects which produce light of their own or give out or emit their own light are called luminous objects. Objects which do not produce light of their own, on the other hand, are called non-luminous objects. Luminous objects are objects like stars, sun and other celestial bodies which give out their own light. Objects surrounding us are not such light emitting objects. Therefore, we are surrounded by non-luminous objects.

Objects that produce heat and light?

Light bulbs convert energy to light. This conversion is inefficient, meaning that not all of the energy will convert to light because of the design of the bulb and the laws of physics. The energy that does not become light is released as heat, and that's why a light bulb gets hot.

Which term is used to deacribe objects that produce light?

Fluorescent or incandescent.

Do only shiny objects reflect light?

No, everything that we can see (besides objects the produce light eg sun, light bulb) reflect light. If it didn't reflect light we would not be able to see it.

Why do objects get hot when light shines on them?

it does because the heat on the light causes the object under it warm

What objects emits light?

Anything hot enough - topped by stars.

What are objects that produce visible light?

Light bulb, Lamp, Sun, Screens of electronics, cameras, and Lightning.