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Yes, without it there would not be enough energy to produce ATP.

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Q: Do organisms always maintain the hydrogen ion concentration gradient?
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How does a cell maintain differences in concentration of certain ions on either side of the plasma membrane?

Cells maintain unequal concentrations of ions on opposite sides of a cell membrane through active transport.

What is concerntration gradient?

As used in the process of diffusion, the concentration gradient is the graduated difference in concentration of a solute within a solution (as expressed per a unit distance). Molecules tend to move from areas of greater concentration to areas of lesser concentration. i.e. down the gradient.

Why do multi-cellular organisms need a ventilation system?

A ventilation system is needed in order to obtain oxygen for living organisms and to get rid of carbon dioxide. Surface diffusion utilized by many smaller organisms is not sufficient in supplying the oxygen needs of the body. It is also needed to maintain a concentration gradient in the alveoli.

What intrinsic protein is responsible for maintaining the H ion gradient?

Proton pumps as well as ATP synthase operating in reverse maintain the hydrogen ion gradient of a cell.

Why does sodium not just diffuse down the concentration gradient into the cell until concentrations become equal inside and outside of the cell?

Evolutionary reason: We evolved from single-celled organisms that lived in the ocean, in which sodium is abundant. Functional reason: Our cell membranes are semi-permeable, meaning some things can pass freely, but others can't. Charged molecules like sodium ions have to pass through special channels and these channels are normally closed. Some cells also have a sodium/potassium pump that actively pumps sodium out of cells and potassium into cells. This helps maintain the concentration gradient.

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Why pH is relevant to an enzyme and function?

QUICK ANSWERLiving organisms depend on a proper balance of hydrogen and hydroxide ions in order to maintain essential physiological processes. Scientists use pH to express the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. Many organisms have tightly regulated systems to maintain the pH within the required range.

How does a cell maintain differences in concentration of certain ions on either side of the plasma membrane?

Cells maintain unequal concentrations of ions on opposite sides of a cell membrane through active transport.

What is concerntration gradient?

As used in the process of diffusion, the concentration gradient is the graduated difference in concentration of a solute within a solution (as expressed per a unit distance). Molecules tend to move from areas of greater concentration to areas of lesser concentration. i.e. down the gradient.

Why do multi-cellular organisms need a ventilation system?

A ventilation system is needed in order to obtain oxygen for living organisms and to get rid of carbon dioxide. Surface diffusion utilized by many smaller organisms is not sufficient in supplying the oxygen needs of the body. It is also needed to maintain a concentration gradient in the alveoli.

Why do multi cellular organisms need a ventilation system?

A ventilation system is needed in order to obtain oxygen for living organisms and to get rid of carbon dioxide. Surface diffusion utilized by many smaller organisms is not sufficient in supplying the oxygen needs of the body. It is also needed to maintain a concentration gradient in the alveoli.

What intrinsic protein is responsible for maintaining the H ion gradient?

Proton pumps as well as ATP synthase operating in reverse maintain the hydrogen ion gradient of a cell.

To maintain solute concentration gradient in the renal medulla what is required?

active transport of sodium and chloride ions from the ascending limb of the loop of Henle.

What is the critical distance a cell must maintain from a capillary to survive?

The critical distance a cell must maintain from a capillary in order to survive is rarely greater than 40 to 200 µm. The role that diffusion plays in this process is that it can maintain the concentration gradient required at the cell.

What is the sodium potassium pump an example of?

The sodium potassium pump is an example of a type of ion transporter that operates via ATP. It is used to maintain the Na and K concentration gradient in cells.

How refreshing the air in the air sacs helps to maintain a steep diffusion gradient?

It increases the partial pressure of oxygen, so the concentration is higher than that of the blood. Therefore the partial pressure of CO2 decreases , so Co2's concentration is lower than the bloods.

Which solution might a cell maintain homeostasis through diffusion?

Diffusion allows waste chemicals to move down a concentration gradient. The chemicals will move from an area of high concentration (inside the cell) to areas of lower concentration (outside of the cell) via the cell membrane. This is also an example of passive transport.

What is the pH scale?

The pH scale represents the relative concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. The concentration of hydrogen ions is commonly expressed in terms of the pH scale. Low pH corresponds to high hydrogen ion concentration and vice versa. A substance that when added to water increases the concentration of hydrogen ions (lowers the pH) is called an acid. A substance that reduces the concentration of hydrogen ions(raises the pH) is called a base. Finally some substances enable solutions to resist pH changes when an acid or base is added. Such substances are called buffers. Buffers are very important in helping organisms maintain a relatively constant pH. The pH scale is a scientific classification of how acidic or basic a substance is. The scale ranges form 0 to 14 -- a pH reading of 7 is neutral in nature , a pH less than 7 is acidic in nature and a pH greater than 7 is basic in nature.