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No. Hydrogen and oxygen are elements, not compounds. They are not the same.

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Q: Do oxygen and hydrogen represent the same compound?
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Are oxygen and hydrogen the same compound?

No. Hydrogen and oxygen are elements, not compounds and they are two different substances.

Is hydroxide and hydrogen the same thing?

No, Hydrogen is an element and hydroxide is a compound made by oxygen and hydrogen (OH-)

Are ammonia and hydrogen peroxide the same?

No it is not the same, Ammonia is NH3, a compound of hydrogen and nitrogen. It is a base and is note for its strong smell. Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. It is very mildly acidic and is noted for its ability to decompose and release oxygen gas.

Do h2o and h2o2 represent the same compound?

No, H2O is water and H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.

Is soduim hydrogen carbonate a compound or a element?

An element is only made of the same type of atoms. Ex. oxygen is an element, and it is only oxygen atoms, nothing else. If there's both hydrogen and oxygen atom it is H2O, which is a compound.

Is hydrogen found in water?

The most common compound of hydrogen and oxygen is better known as "Water".Hydrogen and oxygen also forms Hydrogen Peroxide.

Do the formulas H2O2 AND H2O represent the same compound?

no. H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, H2O is water.

Does h2o and h2o2 represent the same compound?

No these formulae do not represent the same compound as the suffixes, the numbers against the elements are different. H2O is water, HOH H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, HO-OH, a reactive bleaching agent.

Do formulas H2O2 and H2O represent that same compound?

No H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide while H2O is water the universal solvent.

Is pure water an element a compound a solution or a heterogeneous mixture?

It's a compound. H2O - Two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom Water is a compound as it can be reduced to simpler elements (Oxygen and water).It is a homogenous mixture("the same") as it is uniform throughout. E.g: Salt and sand mixed together would be a heterogenous mixture("different") as you can distinguish between sand and salt. A pure 'mixture' is usually homogenous, especially liquids.

Does an oxygen atom weight the same as a hydrogen atom?

an oxygen and a hydrogen atom do not weight the same

Is magnesium silicate the same as magnesium stearate?

No, Magnesium silicate is MgSiO3, an inorganic compound of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. Magnesium stearate is Mg(C18H35O2)2, an organic compound of magnesium, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.