

Do plants like juice

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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I do not think so. And why would you put juice in a plant. I think they would die for that. Or mybe I do not know really I never tried it.

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Q: Do plants like juice
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What would happen if you feed plants citrus juice?

the juice will make the plant slow down the prosses and it will make the plants tast like citrus juice

Does juice make plants grow faster?

the juice will make the plants grow faster because the juice has more products

How does orange juice help plants?

Juice has Vitim c and that's what some plants need.

Does lemon juice affect plant growth?

Lemon Juice Is Like Acid Rain So Deffinetly Not Lemon..Lime Juice On The Other Hand Lime Juice Had a Certain Compound That Helps Plants But Only If Putting It IN The Soil

Does a plant grow better in orange juice?

Juice such as orange juice can help or harm the growth of plants. If used in moderation, some plants like the acid. If the juice is used too often and too much, it could stunt the growth of plants.

Can a plant survive on juice?

Typically not. The juice that kills plants the fastest would be lemon juice.

Why is orange juice bad for plants?

Cuz plants no likey it

If juice is put into plants will it effect the plants health?

A strong sweet juice will not be good for the plant's health. A weak watery juice may not cause damage and may be beneficial. Vegetable juice, presumably including the fiber, should be good for plants, as the fibers will break down into nutrients.

Will plants grow with apple juice?

No it is not. Plants could die if you give them sugar.

Can plants survive when watered with orange juice?


Are you able to grow plants with juice vinegar or milk?

No, juice, vinegar, or milk cannot be used as a sole source of nutrition for plants. Plants require key nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which are not present in sufficient quantities in these substances. They need a balanced fertilizer or nutrient-rich soil to grow and thrive successfully.

Will plants grow if they are watered with pickle juice?

yes, watering normal day plants