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No. Only plants have large central vacuoles.

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Are there large central vacuoles in animals?


Are large central vacuoles found in plants and animals?


A large membranous sac in plant cells?

Central vacuoles

Does Animal and plant cells have Large Vacuoles?

no they do not

What type of cells have a large central vacuole?

Most mature plant cells have a large, central vacuole; other than that, most cells contain only small vacuoles. In plants, immature cells, such as developing cells in the meristem, do not have large, central vacuoles. Also, the vacuoles in cells of the vascular cambium fluctuate in both size and number, depending on the season.

What is a large central fluid filled structure that provides turgidity?

It is called central vacuole. It is distinct in plant cells

The cells of which tissue have a large central fat-filled vacuole?

Plant cells have a nucleus in the center of the cell. They also have large vacuoles. Other non plant cells also have a nucleus and vacuoles but the ones in plants are usually the large ones.

Do carrots have vacuoles?

Yes, carrots have several types of vacuoles with the main being the large central vacuole as well as several smaller vacuoles that contain the proteins that give the carrot it's color.

What structures in the plant cell are not are in the animal cell?

Chloroplasts, Large Central Vacuoles, and the Cell Wall!

Why do plant cells possess large size vacuole?

Plant cells possess large size vacuoles as plant cell vacuoles are full of cell sap and provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell. Many substances of importance in the life of the plant cell are stored in vacuoles. The central vacuole of some plant cells may occupy 50 - 90% of the cell volume

Do animals have central vacuoles?

No, but they have multiple, smaller vacuoles.

This kind of cell does not have a large central vacuole and its found in leopards and ladybugs?

Most mature plant cells have a large, central vacuole; other than that, most cells contain only small vacuoles. In plants, immature cells, such as developing cells in the meristem, do not have large, central vacuoles. Also, the vacuoles in cells of the vascular cambium fluctuate in both size and number, depending on the season.