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no, racoons are visious and kill cats. My cats dont mind the raccoon that eats their food

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8y ago
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10y ago

No, cats and raccoons do not typically get along. In fact, they have been known to fight for several reasons, including food and territory. In fact, raccoons have been known to kill cats.

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Did warrior cats have raccoons?

In the "Warrior Cats" book series, raccoons are not featured as characters. The series primarily focuses on the lives of groups of feral cats living in the wild.

Do raccoons kill cats?

I'm sorry to say that they do. They can also kill dogs.

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Like all other animals (including cats), raccoons have only one life.

Do raccoons live on the coast?

Yes, raccoons can be found along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

Do birds get along with raccoons?

No, birds and raccoons do not mix. Birds are one of the prey items of a raccoon.

Are raccoons cat nappers?

There are records of raccoons killing and eating cats but they generally avoid such confrontations. They will take baby kittens, however.

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Cats, raccoons, snakes, hawks, and humans.

What 4 animals commonly get rabies?

Dogs, Raccoons, Squirrels, Cats

Are raccoons feline?

Absolutely. They will rip them apart. My cats so far have stayed away from my local raccoon but I worked for the Game Department here and was told by the Wildlife Biologist that raccoons kill cats

What predators do cats have?

Cats can have many predators. Coyotes, fox, larger dogs, groundhogs, raccoons and possums all can attack cats and cause harm.

Do raccoons mate with cats?

No, it is a biological impossibility. They are from two different families of mammals.