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No, slow vibrations make a low pitch. Fast vibrations make high pitches.

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Q: Do slow vibrations make a high pitch?
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What happens if you make the drum skin tighter?

When you tighten the skin of the drum the sound will go higher

How is Sound produced on the crash cymbals?

Anything you hit makes noise. Noise is made by vibrations in the air. The cymbals vibrate a lot and that's what makes the sound. Watch a cymbal being hit in slow motion.

How do you change pitch and notes on a marimba?

To play the maracas, all you have to do is hold one maraca in one hand and the other maraca in the other hand. Then you shake the maracas.Playing the maracas is simple - get the maracas, place one in each hand and shake with the rythem or make your own!

What are some helpful tips on singing high notes?

Breath in as much as you can and then slowly let it out. Let it out as slow as possible. Then sing Do, re, me, fa, so,la, ti, do. Basically sing the minor scale.Another answerTo sing clear, clean, on pitch high notes you will need to to have a loose relaxed jaw. This you can practice everyday, opening you mouth, with jaw in a back position (not forward) this way you can train your soft palate to go straight up and imagine it going up to the top of your head. Hold back your breath to make a soft tone (not loud) practice with e and o vowels they are the hardest. Remember relax your jaw as you go higher is up in pitch.

Download Bad Think albums?

yes it will give a virus and will make your computer slow

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What are some facts about sound?

Sounds are nothing more than tiny shaking movements of the air.Sounds are made when a material vibrates.Fast vibrations make a high sound, and slow vibrations make a low sound.Large vibrations make a loud sound, and small vibrations make a quieter sound.Plucking, blowing, shaking, beating or scraping can make sounds.Sound can travel through materials.Hard materials can reflect sound so that the sound travels back in the opposite direction. This is called an echo.Whales in the ocean "sing" to each other. The sound of their song can travel a distance of 800km.Sound moves through the air at 340m per second

How do layers slow vibrations?

Vibrators: you're doing it wrong

High frequency and a low amplitude represents what kind of sound?

the best describes a high frequency sound is high pitch!!..

What is it called when you throw a slow pitch?

A changeup pitch is a slow pitch thrown to look like a fastball.

What is the difference between slow pitch softballs and fast pitch softballs?

One is thrown slow and the other is thrown fast.

What makes a flute have a high or low pitch?

Air(warm slow air-low or cold fast air-high), embouchure, air speed, and support.

Is there such a thing as a slow-pitch fast-pitch baseball bat?

There is a slow-pitch BASEBALL bat is more for Little League. A fast-pitch BASEBALL bat is mostly 10 and under or 12 and under or even 14 and under. There isn't a slow-pitch and a fast-pitch BASEBALL bat. Meaning they cant be morphed together.

Are there different kinds of softballs?

Yes, there are two (fast-pitch and slow-pitch).

What kind of sound waves produce a high pitch?

The kind of sound waves that cause the highest sounding pitch would the the really thin and fast moving ones. There is, however a difference between big waves that are thin and fast, making a high pitched sound louder. This fact also applies with low, and thick slow moving waves as well. I'm 13 and hope this helped.

Do you pitch under hand in softball?

If your playing any kind of Womens softball then yes. But for mens softball, it matters what league your playing in. Some lay overhand slow itch, overhand fast itch, underhand slow pitch or underhand fast pitch. Check with a teamate or make sure what kinda of softball you are playing

How do you play slow pitch softball?

you under hand a pitch by tossing it under hand

Can you tag up in slow pitch softball?
