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Q: Do snail eggs hatch under water?
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How do you get your snail to give birth?

You don't. After the snails have mated the snail will go under the soil and lay eggs. The eggs will hatch after about 3 weeks.

How do snail eggs hatch?

they hatch in two weeeks

If a snail laid eggs on the side of the tank the tank was then filled with water the eggs are still attached to the tank will the water affect the eggs and how long will it take for them to hatch?

the water won't affect the eggs and they still have plenty of time to hatch

Will snail eggs still hatch if the mother or father snail is smashed?


What is the gestion for a water snail?

Gestation is not the right word here, but that's ok. Most freshwater aquatic snail eggs will hatch in 2-4 weeks depending on species and temperature.

Can any kind of snail live in water?

Apple snail can develop in the water.If it does not do that,the snail is not going to be develop. Apple snail can develop in the water.If it does not do that,the snail is not going to be develop.

I have an aquatic snail and it laid eggs on my tank. The eggs lost grip on the tank and fell into the water. The eggs have been moved around a lot as i cleaned the tank. Will they still hatch?

maybe but no one can be certein

How long does it take snail eggs to hatch?

it takes 2 to 4 weeks for to hatch depending on air moisture and species

What is sporocyst larva of fasciola hepatica?

A sporocyst is an elongated sac that protects immature larva of trematodes until they are ready to 'hatch.' Fasciola hepatica is a common liver fluke. Eggs are released into water where they hatch. The resulting hatching miracidia then find a snail host. Sporocysts are then formed and matured in the snail's digestive gland until the cercariae hatch and leave the snail.

How long does it take yellow snail eggs to hatch?

2-3 weeks.

Can watersnails be tiny?

Yes they can ! You might find a water-snail in your aquarium - but it may have already laid a large number of eggs - which will hatch into tiny snails !

Why does a toad always lay eggs in water?

they need to lay eggs in the water because when the eggs hatch they can breath under water comment if you get what i mean or if u dont i will imporve it