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Snakes are not able to regulate their own body temperature and rely entirely on the environment to keep their body heat. They will do this by basking in the sun to absorb the heat and moving to cooler or warmer areas depending on the temperature.

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Q: Do snakes keep their body temperature steady by panting?
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Does reptiles have a steady body temperature?

Reptiles' body temperature fluctuates according to their surrounding air temperature. In cold temperatures (pre-dawn) snakes will be torpid, and only active once the rising sun has warmed the snake up.

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to maintain a steady body temperature

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The skin is the organ of the body that helps people keep a steady temperature. When it is cold the fur on the body will help keep the body warm.

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Is a amphibians body temperature steady?

It is not steady, so to get it to the right temprature, the amphibian sits in the sun.

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Is a temperature measured through the mouth of a dog inaccurate?

It is not the best method of measuring body temperature. Dogs don't sweat to reduce their body heat, but they evaporate water they breath out through their mouth to reduce temperature (panting) This means that the mouth temperature is constantly changing depending on whether the dog is panting. It is more accurate to take temperature from inside the anus.

What is a snake's body temperature?

A snakes body temperature is directly related to that of its surroundings.

Will the body temperature of snakes changes with the environment?


What animals maintain a steady body temperature?

"Homeotherms" maintain a steady body temperature and are warm-blooded, as opposed to "Poikilotherms" which are cold-blooded.An example of a homeotherm is a Lion, an example of a poikilotherm is a Crocodile.

Why do you have body temperatures?

Why is our body temp. 98.6 or why do we get fevers? 98.6 is because that's the way we have evolved. Birds are 102. That works for them. If we didn't have a steady temperature, we would be cold blooded like snakes and lizards. Fevers? A fever is usually a response to an infection. The body working to get rid of the infection and the poisons from the infection can mess with the body ability to regulate the temperature.

Can animals control the body temperature and if they can what animals?

snakes and crocodiles can control there body heat by going in the sun snakes and crocodiles can control there body heat by going in the sun