

Do solar panels prevent global warming?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No but they stop it from getting much worse they're clean power source.

They are more of a feel good technology at present. They produce less power then what you need to make a panel. The bottom line affect is more power is used, rather then less.

They are awesome though in areas that have power issues. Space, for example, is a great spot for them.

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Q: Do solar panels prevent global warming?
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Do solar systems help prevent global warming?

Yes, solar panels and hot water systems reduce our use of electricity, as we use the sun to generate electricity and to heat the water. Most electricity comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and this releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas causing global warming. So solar systems help prevent global warming.

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they conserve energy and help the planet from global warming

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use solar panels for electricity for our homes.

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Clean air does not prevent global warming. In fact, dirty polluted air in the mid-20th century actually slowed global warming a little as it reflected solar radiation away from the earth. Various Clean Air Acts around the world stopped this global cooling, and the warming continued.

What is a positive impact of solar panels?

They produce electricity without adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, thus reducing the effect of global warming.

How would solar cells on the roof of the supermarket be beneficial to the environment?

Solar panels, photovoltaic (PV) panels, generate electricity that is free, clean (non-polluting) and renewable. These panels on the roof will reduce the demand for fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas) energy, which is causing global warming.

Why are solar cells used?

Solar cells and panels generate clean renewable electricity energy from the sun. This reduces our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), the burning of which is adding to global warming.

How has the discovery that global warming is caused by humans changed your attitude towards using energy?

My attitude has changed:I'm much more careful about wasting energy.I have solar heated hot water.I have solar panels on my roof.I ride a bicycle and take public transport.I recycle, compost, and minimise my garbage.I answer questions on global warming on WikiAnswers.

Why should people get solar panels?

People should get solar panels to take advantage of the free sunlight falling on their roofs. The price of solar panels is reducing every year, and the return is coming more and more quickly. The more people have PV panels on their roofs, the fewer new fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas) power plants have to be built, reducing the rate of global warming.

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How does solar power contribute to global warming?

The use of solar power (photovoltaic panels [PV], solar hot water, Concentrated Solar Power [CSP]) does not contribute to global warming.The original heat from the sun, of course, is the source of global warming, because we are trapping more and more of its heat.It is the heat from the sun (solar power) that warms the earth. The earth then radiates heat back up into the atmosphere which warms the greenhouse gases. Because humans have put extra greenhouse gas up there (mostly carbon dioxide, but also some methane), this also warms up. This makes the planet warmer than it would normally be. This is global warming.