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A stop codon (UGA, UAA, UAG) only codes for a stop. No amino acid results from a stop codon.

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Q: Do stop codon have an amino acid?
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Each codon calls for a specific?

amino acid

What amino acid does rna sequence AAA specify?

No amino acid is coded for. It is a stop codon that instructs to stop the process of translation.

What does each single codon stand for or code for protein production to stop?

Each messenger-Rna codon stands for one [unique] Amino Acid. ONE mRna - called f-Met Rna - IS [represents] The Start Codon. There are also more than one Stop Codons.

A stop codon on an mRNA molecule does not code for any?

amino acid

A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a stop codon is called a?

nonsense mutation

Does every codon represent an amino acid?

No, not every codon represents an amino acid. There are several codons known as "stop" codons (UGA, UAA, UAG) that do not code for an amino acid; instead they code for the termination of translation.

For any codon there can only be one?

There is only one corresponding amino acid for each codon. Each codon codes specifically for one amino acid (however, an amino acid can be coded for by several different codons). For example: CAU codes for Histamine (and not any other amino acid) But, CAC also codes for Histamine.

How do nucleotides translate into amino acids?

A codon of nucleotides codes for an amino acid. The combination of nucleotides in a codon determines the amino acid the codon makes.

What are the amino acids on the codon table?

Each codon codes for only one amino acid, or a codon is a start or stop codon, but no codon codes for more than one amino acid.

Is tryptophan the starting codon for mRNA?

No, tryptophan is an amino acid, not a codon. The start codon is AUG, which codes for the amino acid methionine.

How many amino acids make a codon?

One codon specifies a specific amino acid. However, more than one codon can code for the same amino acid. For example, the codon GUU codes for the specific amino acid valine; and the codons GUC, GUA, and GUG also code for valine.

How many amino acids does a codon contain?

One amino acid per codon!