

Best Answer

No, The pronoun should be they instead of you.

The antecedent pronoun 'someone' is in the third person, the corresponding pronoun that takes its place must be in the third person.

The pronoun 'you' is a second person pronoun.

Incorrect: "When someone wants to succeed in school youhave to know how to study and manage time?"

Correct: "When someone wants to succeed in school theyhave to know how to study and manage time?"

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Q: Do the pronoun and antecedent agree in the sentence When someone wants to succeed in school you have to know how to study and manage time?
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Does the pronoun and antecedent agree and if not why in the following sentence When someone wants to succeed in school he or she has to know how to study and manage time?

The pronoun and antecedent are in agreement.The pronouns 'he or she' form a singular compound subject (based on the conjunction 'or' - he has/she has) that takes the place of the singular antecedent 'someone'.

How do you make the antecedent and the pronoun agree in this sentence if anybody wants to succeed in the corporate life they have to know the rules of the game?

An antecedent is the noun or pronoun that a pronoun replaces.In the example sentence, the indefinite pronoun anybody is the antecedent of the indefinite pronoun they.Note: When the pronoun 'they' is used to represent people in general, it is an indefinite pronoun. When the pronoun 'they' takes the place of a plural noun or two or more nouns for specific people or things, it is a personal pronoun.

Do the pronoun and antecedent agree in When someone wants to succeed at school they have to know how to study and manage time?

"When someone wants to succeed at school they have to know how to study and manage time."The pronoun "they" does not agree in number with the antecedent "someone".The pronoun "someone" is a singular indefinite pronoun.The pronoun "they" is a plural personal pronoun.However, the pronoun "someone" is a gender neutral pronoun. There is no singular, gender neutral, personal pronoun that can take its place. It is common practice in English to use the gender neutral, plural pronouns "they" or "them" to take the place of a singular, gender neutral noun or pronoun antecedent.An alternate to using a pronoun that doesn't agree in number is changing the singular antecedent "someone" to the plural, gender neutral noun "students"."When students want to succeed at school they have to know how to study and manage time."

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The plan was made to succeed.

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Is tardiness a pronoun?

No, the word 'tardiness' is a noun, a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for the quality or habit of not adhering to a correct or usual or expected time.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun tardiness is it. Example:Your tardiness will not help you succeed. Itshould not become a habit.

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You will succeed in school by doing your own homework.

Can you give a sentence with the word succeed?

You have to work hard to succeed in life.

What is a sentence for the word succeed?

I wonder if William or Harry will succeed to the throne. If you train faithfully, you may succeed.

What is a sentence with the word Succeed in it?

You will succeed as long as you don't give up your effort.

How do you use the word succeed in a sentence?

work hard and you will succeed . To succeed work harder.