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Actually, the answer is, "yes." I was, until this past June, a travel agent for 16 years. The cruiselines, tour companies, hotels and car rental agencies pay travel agencies a commission for selling their products. The airlines, by and large, do not, hence the service fee attached to airline ticket transactions. The agency, not the individual agent, collects the commission. So, if your travel agent is self-employed, he/she is paid strictly on commission. If your travel agent is employed by an agency, chances are most likely that he/she makes either a salary or an hourly wage, plus some sort of bonus based on sales volume. Since the price you will pay for your travel purchase does not differ whether you purchase from an agent or direct from the travel provider, your best bet is to find an agent you trust in a well-established agency, use a credit card for your protection, and take advantage of the resources, personized service and wealth of knowledge your travel agent can provide you. It is essentially a free service to you. here it is in simpler words yes

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Q: Do travel agents earn commission on sales or are they paid by the hour?
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What commission does a travel agent earn?

Travel agents can earn from 10-19% depending on the package They now earn 0% on airline sales .. most Airlines no longer pay commisions Commisions thend to be higher with crusie lines that agent sells more of. Theses are the commisions paid to the agency .. the agency then pays the agent, if that agent is on a commission

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There are many income source of travel agencies like.1. Travel agents may invest money received from his customers as deposits and earn profit.2 .The travel agents collect commission from the customers on the facilities, services provided and by coordinating the customers.3 . As a commission agent travel agency collects commission by sailing the principal's services such as hotel, airlines,

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Many insurance agents earn their money by commission. If they do not earn commission, many would make around $25,000 and more yearly.

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A real estate agent can earn usually from five to ten percent of a commission based on how much the property was sold for. they could earn more or less depending on how much the property is worth and what percentage the owner is willing to pay for the agent to sell his property.

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How do travel agents get paid and does the job want to make me hang myself?

I do not believe that a travel agent would have any higher suicide rates than any other regular job. It would depend on the mental stability of the individual. I have researched the salaries of Travel Agents and the national average is $68,000/year. It is common for Travel Agents to earn salary, but some also work on a commission basis.

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The amount of money that new home sales associates earn varies. In most cases, they earn a commission from the sales which is between 3% to 6% of the sale price.

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Literary agents typically receive payment in the form of a commission from the sales they negotiate for their author clients. This commission is usually a percentage (typically 10-15%) of the author's earnings from book deals and other projects the agent secures. Agents only make money when their clients make money.

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Set up the problem and solve it: Sales * %commission = earnings (now insert the known numbers) 1800 * .06 = earnings (6% is the same as .06, now multiply to solve) 108 = earnings Now, to find how much he will have to sell to earn $120 using the same formula: sales * %commission = earnings (now insert the known numbers) sales * .06 = 120 (now divide both sides of the equation by .06) sales = 120/ .06 (do the division and solve) sales = 2000 (Mr Sellers needs to sell $2000 to earn $120 in commission)

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People who sell medical equipment usually earn a commission on the total amount sold. The average commission is between two and five percent.

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A sales clerk makes around 17,000 dollars a year. A sales clerk can earn more if they make commission on top of this salary.

what is the answer to A sale price will earn a commission equal to 1/32 of the total sale. What is the commission earned on sales totaling 24,000?

1/32 (2400)=$750