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Regardless of where the energy comes from, we should conserve energy to keep consumption within the limits of the available production. When the whole world is powered by renewable energy, the sun, the wind, the waves, then you can leave your lights on all night, run your airconditioning day and night and drive your electric cars all over the country, because it will all be green energy. Just don't do it yet, while we still rely on coal and oil.

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Q: Do we still need to conserve energy if all of the world's energy come from renewable sources?
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ENERGY source has been archieved.The worlds energy reserves are not unlimited.It provided daily insight into the financial.We can only conserve it by not throwing garbage anywhere and by using the 3R's(reduce,recycle,and reuse).

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the three energy sources are coal gas and nion

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because if the problem of unrenewable energy resouses is unadressed for much longer, the worlds polution rates will skyrocket... and sooner or later the unrenewable sources will extingish and leave us with out power.

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on march 19, 2009, president obama said we have a choice. we can remain one of the worlds leading importers of foregin oil, or we can make investments that would allows us to become the worlds leading exporters of renewable energy. there is more to it though.......btw ma name is.......

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Three benefits of advantages for hydro-power 1) It's renewable 2) It produces 19% of the worlds energy 3) It's safer than many other forms of energy

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When you poo, sometimes you have to strain. You are exerting a great amount of energy, so no. Our poo is not powerful, this is a misconception. Unicorn excrement, however, is truly powerful. Unicorn poo could power an entire state the size of Rhode Island for a year, providing we could transfer this energy into its renewable form. Unicorns, however, are endangered species. Save the unicorns, save our worlds resources. Spread the word!

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oil and coal