

Do whales sleep in the water?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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Q: Do whales sleep in the water?
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Where do killer whales sleep?

In water

Which part of the sea do killer whales sleep in?

they sleep and like the tropical water

What do blue whales do in the water?

How stupid are u they eat sleep excreet and mate in water :L

Do sperm whales sleep in under water caves?

No. They're are too big to.

Do Sperm whales sleep vertical?

Yes. Sperm whales sleep vertically with head down.

How do whales and dolphins sleep without drowning?

they swim when they sleep

How do Killer whale sleep?

Killer Whales sleep by floating on the surface.

Why do humpback whales sleep upside down?

I'm just a 10 year old and just finished studying whales and I think they sleep like on their head with their tails above water if thats what you meant then i have no clue actually (i really don't think there is a reason)

Do blue whales sleep on the bottom of the ocean?

Whales have a unique respiratory system that lets them spend long periods of time (sometimes 30 minutes or longer) underwater, without taking in any oxygen, but they don't snore.

Do humpback whales sleep?

Yes, whales and dolphins do sleep; however, they do not sleep in the same way that humans do. For example, while human sleep involves a period of unconsciousness followed by a period of conscious dreaming or REM sleep, cetaceans (whales and dolphins) show a pattern of unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, meaning that they only sleep with one half of their brain at a time. This allows them to remain aware of their surroundings and continue to surface for air, even while sleeping.

Where do Beluga whales sleep?

At the bottom of the ocean!

Do whales sleep in the summer?

No. While they do sleep in the Summer, they do not sleep any more in the Summer than in the Winter.