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Yes, yellow jacket stings itch. The insects in question (Dolichovespula spp, Vespula spp) lay claim to lance-like stingers with small barbs whose venom provokes potent reactions in vulnerable individuals. Females may leave susceptible people with itching, swollen patches -- and more if repeated stinging is engaged in.

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7y ago

Painful heat and smoke is the feel of a yellow jacket sting. The description puts the insects in question (Dolichovespula spp, Vespula spp) at number six in a list of the ten most painful stings, according to an article published in The Daily Mail Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Bald-faced hornets, bullhorn acacia ants, fire ants and sweat bees occupy positions seven through 10 while bullet ants, tarantula hawks, paper wasps, red harvester ants and honeybees receive a ranking of one through five.

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Can a yellow jacket sting twice?

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What does a yellow jacket sting look like?

It is yellow at the tip and black around, it hurts a lot so be careful with them.Do not mess or pick at them or they might get infected or bigger. If you have a sting or think you might visit your local pharmacy and try to find some antibiotics, it will surely help.

How did yellow jacket get it name from?

the yellow jacket got its name because of the way of the skin of the inscets exterrior outlook. it looks like a yellow raincoat or a yellow jacket

Do yellow jackets lose their stinger after they sting?

A worker honey bee's sting is barbed, so after she has thrust it into the victim she cannot pull it back out. When the bee pulls away, the sting remains behind, together with the venom sac and often part of the intestine. The resulting damage is fatal to the bee. A queen bee has a smooth sting so she can withdraw the sting and re-use it. Drones (male bees) don't have a sting.

What is a yellow jackets size?

A Yellow Jacket is the size of a small bee like a baby bumble bee.

What does a baby yellow jacket look like?

A baby yellow jacket has the same markings as its mature counterpart. Yellow jackets can be identified by their black bodies and yellow thorax.

Is there a bug that looks like a yellow-jacket but isn't?

A yellow jacket is a type of wasp, which is an insect. They get their name because their exoskeletons are black and yellow.

What is a bee that is 3 times bigger than a yellow jacket?

The cicada wasp looks exactly like a yellow jacket. The one major feature of the cicada wasp that sets it apart from a yellow jacket is its size. The cicada wasp is as much as 4 times as big as a yellow jacket.

Does a bee sting feel like?

i have got stung by one! sting realy bad!

What does a queen yellow jacket look like?

It is bigger and gives birth to baby yellow jackets