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nope ... it's a salary job ... you don't get paid by the hour ...

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13y ago

No, not if they are salaried as most are.

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What is the professional organization for an FBI agents?

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How much do FBI informants make?

FBI Special Agents are paid according to the federal government's GS pay scale. Rookie agents are GS10s, and journeyman agents are GS 13s. Special Agents in management positions can advance to the top of the scale which is GS18.

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FBI agent said that they are hard at the begining but then you get use to it

Do FBI agents have to go to college?

Yes, FBI agents definitely have to go to college and earn a degree. American FBI agents typically have their masters or bachelors degree.

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No the FBI agents are NOT allowed to smoke cigarettes on their job.

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No, FBI Agents cannot perform marriage rites and the Agents have to get married like everyone else.

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No. All agents are "Special Agents" upon graduation from the FBI Academy at Quantico.(A "yes" answer was removed as the FBI does not, in fact, have plain "agents".)

How much does the FBI get paid?

FBI agents are on the federal GS pay scale, beginning at GS-10 in their first year. After 5 years they advance to GS-13. Based on their location, they also earn locality pay, and in addition earn an additional 25% for availability pay (they work 50 hours per week) Including locality and availability pay, GS-10 agents make approximately $60,000 and GS-13 agents over $100,000

Do FBI agents have to live in Washington D.C. in order to be agents of the FBI?

No. FBI Special Agents live and work in every major city in the United States. They also work overseas. See the link below.

What do the FBI agents call the scientist on the series BONES?

In Bones they FBI agents call the scientists Squints and the phycologist a Shrink.