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you have a very higher chance of lung cancer if you smoke so i advice you not to smoke .smokinng just lets your life sink away!

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Q: Do you have a higher chance of getting lung cancer with smoking or without smoking?
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Is there a chance of not getting cancer from smoking?


Quiting smoking makes it so that you have a better chance of getting cancer?

No, it improves your chances of not getting cancer.

What can a smoker do to lessen their chance of getting lung cancer?

Stopping smoking is the only way to lessen the chance of cancer.

Can a 11 year old get lung cancer from smoking even without her period?

Whether or not a person has her periods yet has nothing to do with her chance of getting cancer. Cigarettes can cause cancer, no matter how young the smoker is.

What can increase someones chance of getting cancer?

smoking genetic pre disposition poor diet old age

Why does smoking make you have a likely chance of getting cancer?

There are toxic chemicals that are hazardous to your health in each cigarette that you inhale when you smoke one.

When you smoke for 3 years and when it increase the chance for getting lung cancer and after the 3 years does the increase for lung cancer increaser?

Yes. Smoking effects your luns in a bad way.

What are some factors that increase the chance of lung cancer?


What is meant by the the term risk factor?

A risk factor is any trait, behavior, or condition that increases a person's chance of getting injured or getting a disease. For example, smoking is a risk factor because it increases a person's chance of getting lung cancer and Heart disease.

Can you still get lung cancer after you stop smoking?

No, you dont get cancer because you quit smoking. Period. On the contrary - quittingand staying smoke-less reduces the risk of developing cancer tremendeously. Of course this does not mean that if you dont smoke you cantdevelop cancer.But youhave a much lower chance to develop it.

What are some dangers of smoking?

One large danger of smoking is the chance of having to battle against lung cancer.

What happens if smoking for a long time?

Your lungs get damaged, and there's a good chance you'll get cancer.