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No that is not it. Sometimes you will secrete more, it's normal. It can either be ovulation or just cleaning out.

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Q: Do you have a yeast infection if you secrete much more vaginal discharge than you usually do but the consistancy colour and smell is normal and you feel no irritation?
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What glands secrete an oily discharge?

The glands of the skin called sebaceous glands produce an oily discharge.

What are synonyms of secrete?

expel, leak, drip, ooze, discharge, produce, release, conceal, hide, seperate,

What does it mean if you have your normal clear discharge for a week longer than you usually have it?

clear discharge can secrete everyday for some people, especially if you are sexually active, however, because discharge is a form of cleansing the body, i would say you should drink plenty of water if you dont already (8 glasses a day)or it may be the start of a yeast infection which is very normal and common. clear discharge that doesnt have a smell is nothing to worry about, its only if its smelly and thick

Can a woman secrete from her the anus?

There should not be secretions coming out of the anus. It may be some type of infection.

Activated lymphocytes that produce antibodies are?

B lymphocytes are the cells that secrete the antibodies in response to infection in body.

What do hepatocytes secrete?

They secrete bile. They secrete bile.

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What is female sperm made of?

Women do not have 'sperm' but they do secrete a fluid known as Vaginal Discharge which are fluids that secrete from the uterus. These fluids are composed of water, pyridine, squalene, urea, acetic acid, lactic acid, complex alcohols and glycols, ketones, and aldehydes. They are used to lubricate the vagina and fight off bacteria.

Do you still produce discharge when you are pregnant?

Yes, discharge during pregnancy can be completely normal. The vagina is a self cleaning organ, and routinely sheds small amounts of fluid out of the vagina whether pregnant or not. However, if the discharge has changed color, consistency or smell from your normal pattern, please see your doctor. It can be an indicator of an infection or other problem and may need treatment.

Do sinuses secrete or excrete mucus?


What is a sentence with secrete in it?

Secrete means to produce, to give off. Clams secrete calcium to make their shells.

Where do the salivary glands secrete into?

They secrete to the oral cavity.