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Xenotpalhdialdendalogy is the a very serious scientific study in which your bladder undergoes a series of painful, and chemical test in the lab only sertified by Dr. Hemajemawallaballhemsinfoofoo, located in the middle of Antarctica. To receive this test, you must first have a pole with an electric hand on the end stuck up your rear to reach your bladder. Then, it is grasped in the hand, and jerked out. Then, you are put to sleep. Then your bladder is placed on a platter, and served to a bunch of angry Cave Men. Then, in place of your bladder, the platter is placed, and you eventually, well....turn into a caveman yourself, and run back to Antarctica in serch of your fellow brotheren.

Side effects include: continuous Country Music playing in your head, your stomach enlarging, a rash on your butt, continuous drooling, monkey dancing and pacing, and impersonating a Christmas Tree.


good luck to all of you who may have "fat in their bladder"

:Well, not actually in the bladder but there is a lining of fat tissue along the outside of the bladder....whoever took time out of their day to make that novel of an answer is not the brightest person and didnt understand the question
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Q: Do you have fat in your bladder?
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What nutrient is mechanically digested by bile?

Liver produces bile and it is stored in gall bladder.... Bile breaks down fat. If you some how dont have gall bladder or your liver cant produce bile you can not eat fat....or oil and any meat product even egg.

How does a gall bladder diet work?

A gall bladder diet means a diet of low fat food that is easy to process. This way the gall bladder does not have to work that hard to produce bile to help with the digestion of food.

What is a bladderful?

A bladder is a flexible sac which can expand and contract and which holds liquids or gases, especially the urinary bladder. The bladder is also the term for the inflatable bag kept inside balls used in sports, such as soccer balls and rugby balls.

What part of the digestive system breaks up the fat?

The gall bladder breaks up fats

What organ system is bladder in?

There is more than one bladder. One is the urinary bladder which holds urine (excretory system) until you are ready to release it. Another is the gall bladder which holds bile (digestive system) until you eat fat. Bile helps to breaks down fat and that makes the fat easier to digest.

What is surrounding the urinary bladder?

The area surround the uniary bladder is known as the perivesical.

If gull batter is removed then how does body brake down the fat?

the Gull Bladder simply holds bile on its way to the stomach from the liver.

What is udiliv 300 and will this tablet reduce body fat?

It is ursodeoxycholic acid, also called ursodiol; and it decreases cholesterol and fat in the liver and is sometimes prescribed for the breaking down of stones in the gall bladder. It is not for reducing fat in body areas outside of the liver.

Why gallbladder patient advised to take low fat diet?

Gall bladder is responsible for synthesis of bile juices that contain bile salts. These bile salt emulsify the fats that we ingest in our food and make them feasible to be digested by lipases. thus if there is abnormality with gall bladder the patients are advised to take low fat content diet.

What bile is responsible in globules of fat?

Bile comes from gall bladder. It contains the bile salts. These salts are responsible for emulsification of the fat in your food. that means very fine fat globules are formed. this helps to increase the surface area of the fat. That helps the fat splitting enzyme to brake the fat molecule into three molecules of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol.

What part of the digestive system absorbs the most fat?

stomach. the gall bladder puts bile onto the fats in the stomach

What does the gallbladder for digestion?

The Gall bladder stores bile. Bile is made by the liver. Bile is essential for the proper digestion of fats. If fats are not properly digested, fat soluble vitamins are also not absorbed.