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Yes, you have to list EVERY creditor that you have an account with, even those that you are current with or have no balance due. You can run the risk of getting in trouble with the bankruptcy court if you don't.

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Q: Do you have to list all credit cards when filing for bankruptcy even one with a 0 balance?
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Can you charge on a credit card that is in your bankruptcy AFTER actually filing bankruptcy?

"Whether a debtor keeps credit cards after filing bankruptcy is up to the credit card company. If you are discharging a credit card they will cancel the card unless you reaffirm the debt. Even if you have a zero balance the credit card company might cancel the card."

Do you have to list credit cards with a zero balance in a bankruptcy?


What happens to credit cards in a bankruptcy when there is a zero balance?

it does not work

What bankruptcy information should you know before you consider filing for bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is the filing of a petition that claims your assets, and your inability to pay for them. Bankruptcy severely effects your credit, and is present on your credit for 7 years. During this time getting credit cards or loans can be very difficult.

How long after filing bankruptcy are you able to receive credit cards purchase a house or a car?

2 years

What happens if you run up credit cards before filing bankruptcy?

The judge may disallow those debts from the bankruptcy because you are obviously attempting to defraud the credit card company.

If you file bankruptcy but still have some credit cards with a zero balance on them will you still be able to keep them or will they automatically be closed?

If you have credit accounts in good standing then do not include them in your bankruptcy.

Can you keep a few small credit cards after filing for bankruptcy?

Yes; however, the issuer is not required to continue to extent you credit (can close the account).

Does filing bankruptcy improve a credit score if there were a lot of charged off credit cards and late payments prior to filing?

No, just the opposite. Bankruptcy is the ultimate "train wreck" of a person's financial standing. Even after the ten year SOL there will be a public record, and the consumer will still be penalized for it. Bankruptcy, is not, as some are led to believe, the magic cure for debt problems.

Can you put credit cards on a bankruptcy?


How do I transfer the balance on my credit cards?

You will have to talk to you credit card company. They will be able to assist you in transferring your balance on your credit cards.

Is it possible to just declare bankruptcy on credit cards?

You can declare bankruptcy due to credit card debts, yes.