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Q: Do you have to pay spousal support if my ex wife is cohabitating?
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Is a man required to pay spousal support to an ex wife if there are no dependents?

In some cases, yes.

If the husband leaves his wife homeless while pregnant is he required to pay support or is there any laws to demand him to help?

The wife should ask the courts for an order for spousal support.

How many years would a wife expect to receive spousal support after a 24 year marriage in the state of California?

in the state of ca. if you've been married 24 yrs you can expect to pay spousal support for 12 yrs.,

Can my husband's ex-wife file a lien on my house when he is unable to pay spousal support after eight years?

If his name is on the deed, yes

What if I don't pay spousal support?

You go to jail.

Why does a father who has custody of his kids still have to pay support to ex-wife and her mother?

A husband only pays child support if he does not have custody of the child. If he is paying spousal support, it is only supposed to be temporary until the wife can become financially stable.

Do you have to pay back Social Security benefits if you receive spousal support?

No you do not.

If I am ordered to pay spousal support in the state of Washington to ex-wife and I re-marry can my ex get more spousal support based on new wife's income?

most likely. spousal support is based on the type of lifestyle that existed during the marriage and can be changed based on a bona fide change of circumstances. here, you marrying agin with an increase in income would likely qualify as a bona fide change of circumstances and you wife could ask for an increase in payments. to avoid this i would suggest a prenup keeping you and your new wife's incomes separate property. get legal counsel.

If you have been separated for 5 years your husband owes back pay of spousal support and he is living with another woman that has a child together while still married?

He could very well be arrested as he has failed to pay the support money, he shold pay then have a wife and child.

Can I get remarried if I didn't pay the spousal support to my ex-wife?

Before you add another complication to your life, sort out the past. You need to put your new fiance into your financial picture, because she could end up helping you pay back the money--which would probably not be her choice.

Can a spouse be jailed if he doesn t pay spousal support and is living abroad?


Can it be court ordered to pay spousal support out of money received from the gi bill?

The GI bill pays for education.